Category: Real Estate

Expanding your sales team

Many top agents have the goal of expanding their sales team. Many even make that their primary goal shortly after starting their real estate practice. The lure of having other people to generate income is a powerful drug. The desire to expand one’s sales team has really gained momentum in recent years due to its […]

The 5 ways to price your rental property

For an early rental opportunity on your property, do your home work so you can create a competitive and profitable rental for your property. Consider all of your variables so that your “rental value” conclusion is consistent with the local market you are aiming for a higher rent. How have you presented YOUR property to […]

How to choose: a tax professional

How to choose a tax professional? That is an individual decision, based on your needs and expectations. But here’s a quick checklist to guide you through the process. Assess your needs. 1. If calculating your year-end tax liability requires only basic information (earned income reported on W-2 forms, mortgage interest, and property taxes) and you […]

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