Is there a medical procedure that ensures the conception of a male baby? – I’ll tell you

I recently received correspondence from a woman who wanted more information on any medical procedure that would ensure that she would become pregnant with a boy. She wanted 100% a child and took it very seriously and was willing to do “whatever it takes” to make sure this was exactly what she got. In fact, there are medical procedures that allow you to choose the gender and sex of your baby. I will discuss them more in the next article.

PGD: The only surefire way to get a child: Right now, the medical procedure with the highest success rate in getting you a boy (or a girl if you want) is called PGD, which stands for “preimplantation genetic diagnosis.” This takes place in a lab and is basically artificial insemination that takes you to the next level in determining gender.

Is that how it works. Some of the future mother’s eggs are extracted by a specialist. Then the future father provides the sperm. The sperm will fertilize the eggs, but this will be done entirely in the laboratory. Once this happens, the result is several potential embryos. These embryos are then screened for genetic problems, abnormalities, and gender. Only healthy embryos that are the gender you want (which in this case is a boy) are implanted back into the mother. Those who “take” should result in a normal pregnancy. Any leftover embryos that meet this criteria can be frozen for future use.

Some disadvantages of this medical procedure that determines the sex of your baby: For those who are determined to have one gender over another, this can definitely be the answer. But, if there are negatives or cons to this procedure, the higher is likely to be the cost. Sometimes people believe that the costs of PGD are included in the cost of artificial insemination. They are not, they are not. And insemination is expensive, at several thousand dollars per cycle. If the pregnancy does not “take”, it must be repeated. Statistics show that he is about 35% successful each time, so some couples need several rounds before they are successful.

On top of this, PGD typically costs another $ 2,000 to $ 4,5000 depending on your clinic. So costs alone prevent some couples from going this route. And the fact that not all attempts are successful is another deterrent. Now some couples have no other choice with this. They will not be able to get pregnant on their own. Of course, if you have some fertility problems and need the help of a lab to get pregnant, this procedure only takes what would already be necessary to the next level. But, if you’re only going this route due to gender selection, there might actually be another way.

Ways You Can Try To Make Sure You Conceive A Boy Without Any Medical Intervention If you can’t afford PGD, there are a few things you can try at home. Basically your goal is exactly the same: to make sure that a Y sperm or a child reaches your egg. Since you cannot analyze or view embryos like laboratory personnel can, you will have to follow what we know about how sperm behaves and how long it lives. Children who produce sperm cannot live long, so you will want to have sex at the end of your fertility cycle. You also want to alkalize your reproductive tract. This may mean changing your diet and experimenting with douching. Finally, certain sexual positions make the conception of a boy much more likely.

If you can use all of these things together, you can greatly increase your changes to having a baby boy. And it won’t cost you much.

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