What is the best place to live in the United States and Canada? An almanac says it all

During the recession, many families are rethinking where they live and considering moving, something they take very seriously and cannot afford to make a mistake. But where do they move too? Where can they get all the information they need to make an informed decision? Well, I have the perfect book to help you on this quest:

“Places Rated Almanac; Your Guide to Finding the Best Places to Live in the United States and Canada” (Special Millennium Edition) by David Savageau with Ralph D’Agostino; IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., Foster City, CA; 2000.

This book is a wealth of information about places to live, some 354 metropolitan areas are listed which are classified by crime, climate, arts, recreation, sports teams, work base, education, transportation, energy, pollution, cost of living and medical care. considerations. There is so much data in this book that it will blow your mind and make you consider things you may never have thought of before, like the number of restaurants, churches or parks. What about bike lanes, traffic times, yeah all listed?

How about well paying jobs? Cost of homes, rentals, or business locations? Rainy days, sunny days, cloudy days, stormy days, well it’s all here in a giant almanac book and you can cross-reference to your heart’s content. All suburbs and driving times to the city are listed as well as trains, buses, subway, light rail, airports, number of airlines, it’s a demographic dream come true, perfect for business or just deciding where to live and hang your hat, raise your family or retire to.

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