Category: Pets

Communicate with your deaf cat

By understanding and responding to your deaf cat’s unique needs, the two of you will develop a closer relationship and better communication skills. A sensitive pet owner can learn by observing how their pet reacts and adjusts to its environment. It takes time, perseverance and patience for both the owner and the pet to get […]

Is my dog ​​pregnant?

It is not always obvious to detect when your female dog is pregnant or giving birth (a dog-specific term for labor). She won’t be “late” and there aren’t exactly home pregnancy kits you can buy at the drugstore for her. Besides, it would be pretty hard to make her pee on a stick. The most […]

Life with exotic Pomeranian puppies

It seems that there are some types of Pomeranian always available for sale or in rescues. The domestic dog has incredibly flexible genes, and some types are proof of that. The original Pomeranian is probably extinct. They were sturdy sled shooters and sheep herders. Two centuries ago, they weighed about thirty pounds. When they went […]

Ringworm and treatment for Persian cats

Ringworm – What is it? First of all, ringworm is DO NOT a worm is a fungus. Ringworm spores can travel great distances in air currents and can be carried into your home on your clothes / shoes, and / or by your dogs and other pets; basically, ringworm spores are found everywhere in the […]

Von Willebrand disease in Dobermans

Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a common health problem in Dobermans. It is a hemorrhagic disease, like hemophilia in humans, that can be life-threatening for a Doberman due to surgery or injury. Although it exists in other breeds, such as Poodles, Shelties, Scottish Terriers, and Pembroke Welsh Corgi, it is more common in Dobermans. In […]

University of Virginia (UVA) Cavaliers – Nickname Explained

The University of Virginia Cavaliers share a nickname with the Cleveland Cavaliers NBA franchise, but that’s where the similarities end. The explanation for the University of Virginia Cavaliers nickname actually involves a story of historical significance to the region. Located in Charlottesville, Virginia, the school with a total student population of about 20,000 is often […]

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