Category: Sports

Universal Man – 1966 Editorial

The return of the universal man March 27, 1966 Every era has its heroes and its geniuses. Some of these outstanding personalities shine but briefly through the historical firmament. But a few are universal men whose achievements transform the lives of people beyond their communities and beyond their time. Today’s society yearns for the return […]

Importance of baseball uniforms

Players often take their baseball uniforms for granted without realizing their importance. But before choosing a uniform, one must be aware of the reason for creating uniforms as well as the importance of these uniforms. In addition to being the tool for members of a baseball team to show their dedication to each other, by […]

Meeting the wedding entourage

The primary member of the bride’s bridal party, the maid of honor often receives the most duties and honors in the entire wedding party. She is the female counterpart of the groom’s best man. The term bridesmaid traditionally refers to the single young woman who is assigned the duties of leading the bridal party or […]

the best there was

In the annals of sports, in each one in particular, be it basketball, baseball or others, there are those who are revered by their peers and sportswriters of all generations who award an individual as the best there was. In professional football, it stands to reason that now, during the current NFL season, we look […]

The future of the western genre

For the past two decades, fans have lamented the demise of westerns while the rest of the world has gone about its business, ignoring that anyone could care about a genre relegated to a few obscure shelves at the local bookstore. Westerns were very popular for over a hundred years. Not only were they popular […]

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