4 Easy Steps to Help You Flip Your Skateboard

Almost all professional skaters who rely heavily on various skateboard parts and accessories To say that kick-turning is the most basic skill in skateboarding.

According to statistics, out of 10 professional skateboarders, 8 of them have successfully done it on their skateboard once. Spinning kicks may seem a bit confusing at first, but with consistent practice you can definitely master this art.

There aren’t really many prerequisites to kick-turning, except the fact that one needs to have the right equipment and confidence. The following is a step-by-step procedure to help you achieve excellence.

1. Try to balance on two wheels. You can do this anywhere your skateboard doesn’t roll as much as in your living room, on the lawn, etc. Now try to stand on the board by placing your back foot through the tail of the board and your front foot just behind the studs that are present for the front trucks. This is known as the basic Ollie stance.

Try to shift your weight onto the tail of the board. It can be scary, but don’t be scared!

2. The next step is a clever trick usually only known to people who sell skateboard parts and accessories. Stand on the skateboard and place your back foot through the tail of the board. Place your front foot on the toe of the board in a similar fashion. Now, try to walk with this posture of yours. You can do this by simply shifting your weight onto one foot and then moving the other foot forward while keeping it on the board.

3. Now you are ready to make it happen. So just stand on your board and place your back foot through the tail of your board and place your front foot on or just behind the front trucks of the board. Try shifting your weight little by little on the back of the board so that you can lift the nose of the board up and off the ground. With the toe of the board in the air, you would also have to push the toe of the board back a bit with your toes.

4. Practicing the above step will make you perfect at front kick turns. Although you will be able to push your board only a little at first, you may gradually see a 90 degree turn in your board. If you feel like doing the back flip, then the principle of doing it remains pretty much the same. In this case, however, the skateboard is pushed with the heel. Doing so will ultimately cause the board to do a back kick spin.

The steps above, therefore, instill a basic understanding of the kick spin. However, one really learns when one is in the street and does it. So practice as much as you can and try to stay confident. Don’t lose faith. You may fall down a couple of times and you may even feel like you’re not getting anywhere, but just don’t give up.

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