5 amazing quotes to live by

After years of researching and compiling citations for my books, as well as motivational material for my sales force, I have amassed an extraordinary amount of wisdom on various topics and purposes. Life quotes was by far the most popular as it helped my employee put things into perspective.

Although there are numerous insightful quotes that have been said over the years to live by, I only list 5 for simplicity and contemplation.

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality that guarantees the others.

– Aristotle 384 BC – 322 BC; Greek philosopher, scholar, and one of the fathers of Western philosophy.

Said many times throughout history in many different ways, by some of the most brilliant people like Churchill, Samuel Johnson, Maya Angelo, etc. Without the courage to face your trials and tribulations, you won’t have the courage to make changes or persevere through tough times. So get up, follow your dreams and take care of number one. You!

People are not against you, they are for you.

– Unknown.

This is one of my favorite quotes regarding interaction with others. When people let us down, we tend to blame their flawed character, but it’s better to accept everyone’s flawed human nature. If you give someone too many opportunities to take advantage of you, eventually they will. You can’t blame them for going for number one.

The only sin is mediocrity.

– Martha Graham 1894 – 1991; American modern dancer, choreographer, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

This quote is by far my favorite of all time. I try to live this the best I can. Nobody aspires to mediocrity, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we find ourselves in situations where the needs of our immediate lives postpone our dreams. We give up our future aspirations for a little comfort in the present. It is in these times that we need to persevere and get back on track to avoid possible future regret.

Expect happiness and the fear of suffering

Expect fame and the fear of insignificance

Expect praise and the fear of fault.

Expect gain and the fear of loss.

– Buddha (Gautama Buddha) 563 a. C. – 483 a. C.; (Current) Nepalese sage who taught the principles on which Buddhism was founded.

I don’t consider myself a religious person, but I sometimes find myself thinking about these passages. These refer to the 8 worldly concerns of the Buddha. These are said to be the driving forces or motivation behind all of our thoughts and actions, especially the hope of gain and the fear of loss. To free ourselves from the mundane world that is based on possessions that impede our spiritual progress, we must learn to accept our hopes and fears.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the moorings. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Sleep. Discover.

– Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) 1835-1910; American author and comedian.

Courage to take risks. You can only take one turn in life, don’t waste it being mediocre or meeting someone else’s expectations.


I’m optimistic. It doesn’t seem too useful to be something else.

– Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965; British Prime Minister 1940-1945 and 1951-1955, historian, artist and Nobel Prize winner for literature.

Negativity and pessimism can lead to inaction. Although positive thinking and optimism do not guarantee success or a perfect outcome, it does change your mindset to find the good and the opportunity in everything.

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