5 Healthy Steps to Lose 5 Pounds – Fast

You may find it hard to believe, but you can lose 5 pounds in a week by doing 5 simple things. You also won’t be jeopardizing your health because your body can’t help but lose fat when you implement these five very simple principles of fat loss.

First, eliminate all bread, pasta, and sugar from your diet.. I know I’m going to lose a lot of people with this. That is why I put this principle first! Most people understand why sugar is bad for the waistline. Excess sugar is stored as fat and can also cause diabetes.

But why bread and pasta? Trust me, I’m sorry about your bread, but you have to understand that bread and pasta are the worst things you can eat if you’re trying to lose fat. It doesn’t matter if it’s whole grain, high fiber or low carb pasta, grains in any form will make you fat. Think about what bread and pasta are made of and you will understand why this must go. For making bread and pasta, cereals, batches and lots of grains, are processed to make a few ounces of pasta or a couple of slices of bread. It’s like concentrated carbs once you eat them and then your body has to work harder to burn them off. Unless you’re consistently exercising in the correct heart rate zone, your body will store those calories and slow your metabolism. (There are some people who can eat bread and it won’t affect their metabolism, but they’re all skinny and probably aren’t reading this article.) If you want to lose 5 pounds fast, lose the bread.

Second, eat a small meal containing protein and complex carbohydrates every 2-3 hours.. By complex carbohydrates, I mean salads, green vegetables, or a dense fruit like apples. Or you could have a small serving (1/2 cup) of rice to help your metabolism burn fat better. Make sure you combine the right foods so that your metabolism works efficiently.

Third, cut fat from your diet. I know, I know this is starting to get difficult. But it’s not, actually. She understands that eating fat will make you fat. And if you keep eating fat while you are fat, your body fat will never burn. Also, healthy foods can taste delicious just by adding lemon juice, garlic, other spices and herbs to your cooking.

Fourth, exercise 30 minutes a day. after eating your little food. Popular opinion is that you should exercise on an empty stomach, but that’s not true. Your body needs the sugar from carbs for energy to exercise, otherwise it will start to burn down your muscle. By eating a complex carbohydrate and a small amount of protein, your body will first burn what’s readily available (the carbohydrates in your food), fuel your muscles with the protein, and then draw on fat stores for more energy.

Fifth, drink at least 100 ounces of water a day to eliminate all the fat you are losing. That’s 12 eight-ounce glasses, much more than the usually prescribed amount of 8 eight-ounce glasses. Your body will not retain water and you will also speed up your metabolism.

These 5 weight loss principles sound difficult, but if you take them one day at a time and commit to doing it for a week, you’ll see the difference and be inspired to keep going until you lose all the fat you need to lose.

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