5 Natural Healing Strategies for Endometriosis

When trying to cure endometriosis, doctors often prescribe hormonal drug treatments to keep the condition under control. This is only one aspect of the condition and fails to determine the actual cause of the condition.

By looking at the body from a holistic angle, we can determine 5 different strategies to heal the body and Endometriosis.

1. Digestive healing

Women with endometriosis often struggle with digestive problems. This is directly related to hormones and the liver. Without sufficient digestion, the body cannot absorb the nutrients it needs from the food we eat. Without these vital nutrients and minerals, the body is struggling to process not only the body’s hormonal functions, but other vital functions as well, to ensure health and vitality. The easiest method to obtain regular digestive patterns is to eliminate any pathogens that may be lurking in the digestive tract. An effective method is to drink teas and foods that control negative pathogens in the digestive tract. Olive Leaf Extract in combination with Organo Oil is a fantastic natural method of ensuring that bacteria causing digestive problems are eliminated. Coconut oil is also a fabulous natural buffer and is a great alternative to the over-processed oils often used in our diets. These natural alternatives cause no side effects or extreme digestive irregularities in the process.

2. Liver healing

The main organ that requires healing with Endometriosis is the liver. It is the organ responsible for the elimination of toxins in the body and works together with the lymphatic system to ensure that the body is free of pathogens and toxins. When these toxins are not successfully eliminated from the body, disease and inflammation result. The liver flows through our blood and works together with bile to remove excess fat from the body. When we consume too many high-fat foods, this puts pressure on the liver and the bile cannot process the high fat content. When this happens, the fat remains in the body. Excess fat encourages excess storage space for toxins within the body. Therefore, the best way to heal the liver is to avoid any foods that are high in fat, such as dairy, meat, and highly refined oils. There are also natural alternatives to help the liver process and heal better. Milk thistle, dandelion root, and artichoke are some of the herbs that can help heal the liver, although stronger herbal options may be required for long-term endometriosis sufferers.

3.Inflammation reduction

Inflammation that occurs within the body is like a hyperreactive response, often compared to allergic reactions. This hyper-reactive response could be due to the high accumulation of toxins in the body and also a lack of essential fatty acids to help reduce inflammation. There are several excellent sources of essential fatty acids, including evening primrose oil, omega 3s, and chia seeds. Inflammatory conditions are also drastically reduced when the level of alkalinity in the body is reached. This is largely due to increasing fruit and vegetable intake along with natural herbs like horsetail tea.

4. Improve the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system works with the liver to remove excess toxins from the body. However, it needs continuous movement in the body to function effectively. This movement is not handled by the heart, which pumps blood through the body, but rather through the lymph nodes. We can stimulate these lymph nodes naturally through a daily exercise regimen. However, there are additional herbal remedies to stimulate lymphatic movement. Some of the best methods include castor oil packs, root tincture, and manjistha. When applied directly to the lower abdominal cavity with some heat, they can have a remarkable healing effect, dissolving blood clots and adhesions. Manjistha and poke root tincture can also be taken internally under the guidance of a trained physician.

5. Blood sugar levels

When we review the effects of sugar on the body, it illustrates a weakened immune system and plays havoc with the release of natural phytoestrogens responsible for reducing inflammation and clotting in the body. Sugar is often an additive ingredient for women with endometriosis. They struggle to cut it out of their diet, but once it’s cut down to the occasional spike of sugar, they’ll feel significantly better. There are excellent substitutes that allow people with endometriosis to reduce and eventually eliminate sugar. The Stevia plant is a great natural sweetener with additional benefits for the body.

Curing the body naturally from endometriosis is a slow and disciplined process. All elements within the body must be checked to ensure that everything is properly aligned and in balance.

I believe that there is a way to cure Endometriosis and I have personally applied and seen the results of these methods for my own healing of the condition.

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