5 tips for a happy baby

When the injured bundle finally arrives and you take it home for the first time, life can’t get any better. However, if your baby is not happy, believe me this will make the whole house a very unhappy place. These 5 useful tips will ensure peace of mind at home when it comes to a newborn;

  1. Sleep. Babies need a lot of sleep and if they don’t get it, neither do you. At first there is really no schedule. They’ll sleep any minute, so don’t start bringing them over to family and friends’ houses right away. Keep them at home so they can get used to you and their surroundings.
  2. Food. Babies need a lot of food. If you are breastfeeding, patience is your guide. Just like sleep, they will be hungry at any time and you have to be in tune with their needs. She can pump her own breast milk and have dad feed during those times when she needs to get some sleep. Remember that you and the whole family, no matter how big or small, are in this together. Everyone should collaborate.
  3. Interaction. Babies need many forms of stimulation. Touching, singing, looking at objects are important stimulants for your newborn. Also, this is a time when the whole family can participate in bonding time.
  4. Changing. A wet baby or not is an unhappy baby. You don’t want diaper rash or other ailments seeping into the diaper, so check and change it often. Again, dad, brother or sister can help in this category.
  5. Health. The health of a baby is, of course, important to everyone. The trick here, though, is that they can’t tell you if they’re not feeling well (except when they cry). Be observant and watch for any subtle changes in them. Call your doctor or make a doctor’s visit if you think the baby is not doing well. Don’t worry about embarrassing yourself if it’s nothing, because if it’s something, the baby will be well taken care of.

Additionally, the family must continue to be cared for during this time. The baby is the most important thing, but don’t forget the hugs with other children or a necessary kiss for your husband. Also, it is important that there is plenty of time for everyone involved. Appreciate these new start times because they don’t last long.

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