Be exceptional regardless of the work environment

Some people don’t like where they work…at all. They may even despise who they report to. And since your work environment is so “toxic”, to choose to retain your best quality of work. “THIS PLACE doesn’t deserve the best I have to offer. I will come to work, just do what is expected of me, collect my salary and go home.” Do you know someone like that?


The problem with that line of thinking is that if you repeatedly choose to give the bare minimum, eventually you’ll feel comfortable giving the bare minimum. Yes, without knowing it you would have formed not only a habit, but a bad habit. At some point, you may not even know what great work looks like…and start to think you’re not capable of being great. Being excellent is what you are called to be, and being exceptional is what you are called to be.

Hot tea

During a recent hotel stay, I decided I wanted to have some hot tea one night. Since it was a limited service hotel, ordering room service was not an option. It was around 11pm at night and I called the front desk to see where I could get some tea. The clerk told me, “Our restaurant has already closed, so there will be tea available in the morning for breakfast.” Click.

Now I obviously knew that tea and hot water had to be available somewhere on the property but decided to wait and speak to the manager in the morning. When I spoke to the manager the next morning, he was upset about what had happened and even showed me to the mini employee break area that was just a few feet behind the front desk. The sitting area had a refrigerator, and the refrigerator was stocked with… wait… tea! All kinds of tea.

So here are some reasons why the front desk agent may have responded the way they did:

a) He legitimately didn’t know there was tea available (yeah right).

b) You are only comfortable working within the strict parameters of your job.

c) You don’t like your job and/or where you work and you have chosen one don’t make an ounce more than you absolutely have to.

your zeal

you can’t allow anyone (or any work environment) steal your zeal for being exceptional. As difficult as it may be, you must overcome any disdain you may have and honor your role, honor who you are serving, and honor yourself. At some point, every person has to make a decision about how exceptional they want to be, regardless of the work environment. Eventually, it can be quite exhausting to constantly strive for excellence in a work environment you can’t stand to be in.

In that case, see if you can address your discontent with the right people or find another place to work. But don’t just find “anywhere” to work. Look for a company that has values ​​that reflect yours. Ultimately, it’s important to work for a company you believe in.

Adjust your service

Some people have a habit of adjusting their service based on how important they think a particular customer is. One of the reasons it’s so dangerous is because you really never know who you are serving or what your circumstances may be. We have no right treat someone as if they were “just a customer”. That is simply wrong, and even immoral. Every client has a story and it is our obligation to honor that client no matter what the story is.

Never again be fooled by the fallacy that it’s okay to give the least. Fight savagely against that fallacy with everything you have. Be exceptional despite the work environment. Stephen Covey wisely wrote, “Be an island of excellence in a sea of ​​mediocrity.” While that can certainly happen, try to find a team, manager, and company that will allow you to work among many islands of excellence in an ocean happy to have you there.

In the end, service has a purpose, and a noble purpose at that. We serve because serving is a good thing, and good things are worthy of praise. There is a meaning to your role. There is a purpose in your role. If you really understand what that means, then you have the ability to impact lives, one customer at a time.

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