Category: Business

The 10 worst PC viruses of all time

Viruses have been around for decades and are created sometimes as a joke, but other times to create destruction. In the 1980s, computer viruses were transmitted by humans; the virus was stored on disk and distributed by humans. When the Internet became popular, the spread of computer viruses became a real problem. The top 10 […]

Some information about breach of contract

The contract is nothing more than a legally enforceable agreement between two parties. Each of them offers a guarantee to fulfill a duty or pay a certain amount. If one of them does not comply with the agreed duty or payment, the other party is free to obtain legal redress for it. The Agreement can […]

Potatoes and thinning

How long has the potato been a staple food in almost every country in the developed world? Well I don’t know either, but I do know that during the Irish Potato Famine (1845-1852) also known as Gorta Mór or the Great Famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland to […]

Health is the most important wealth

If you are lucky enough to have health insurance provided by your employer, that narrows your options to the plans offered by your employer. If you don’t have coverage through your job, perhaps an organization or association you belong to will allow you to purchase health insurance through them at a group rate. Another option […]

Reduce the risk of starting a business

Most people consider starting their own business to be one of the riskiest ventures possible. Of course, most people are not entrepreneurs. True entrepreneurs know that successful startups are all about controlling and managing risk. Your entire perspective revolves around doing whatever it takes to identify threats and obstacles and find your way around, over, […]

Stuck in the space between

As I sat on my balcony with a large cup of coffee in one of my oldest and favorite mugs, on one of Nashville’s most perfect mornings, I looked out over downtown and the amphitheater. The mug was from my single mom’s days, and it’s a true miracle that it survived so long. I remember […]

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