Category: Legal Law

Dowry deaths a social tragedy

Indeed, marriages are made in heaven, but death by dowry, murder-suicide, and bride burning are symptoms of peculiar social ills, which have spawned like a “Black Death.” The word ‘dowry’ was defined in the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, which states that dowry means any valuable property or security given or agreed to be given directly […]

Top 10 steps to de-stress

Do you feel tense and anxious at work? Do your co-workers and/or bosses drive you crazy? Is your personal life less than blissful? If so, you have stress. If you’re like most people, you’ve sought refuge from this situation by trying one or two quick fixes, like calling a friend, walking the dog, or going […]

Traffic lawyers and other criminal defense attorneys can help you if you have legal problems

If you are in trouble with the law, then you need someone who knows the law. In general, criminal law firms help those accused of crimes or misdemeanors. However, there are specialized lawyers who handle particular legal problems. Traffic attorneys, for example, offer advice and representation to clients facing motoring and transportation issues. If you […]

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