Category: Legal Law

Are you organized?

The key to all successful endeavors is, of course, organization. Whether you have your own business, are involved in affiliates programs, publish your own ezine, etc., if you are not organized you are fighting an uphill battle that is ultimately impossible to win. BUT WHERE TO BEGIN? I’d like to take a moment to explain […]

A simple solution to the problem of police shootings against African Americans

Justice is sought in the individual murders of African Americans, most recently Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. When President Obama mentions those particular murders, at the same time he mentions the systemic unequal treatment of African Americans in the American legal system. Many statistics show that police arrests, arrests, prosecutions, sentencing, and incarceration are quite […]

What are stocks and bonds?

A company, let’s call it Facebook (which is not really public … yet) decides to raise capital so that they go “public”, by doing so they are creating capital for individuals. So “Facebook” is now considered an IPO, Initial Public Offering. (Which is a long and extended process) Consequently, individuals can “buy” shares and then […]

Why do Africans live in huts

Whenever you see the image of a hut, you think of Africa. In fact, cabins have been the defining architectural hallmark of Africa and, across the continent, they have been the preferred building style. Cabins are a form of living space. The cabins are usually round, with a pointed roof. They are usually made of […]

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