Did you know you already have a Six Pack?

Did you know you already have a six pack?

You already have a six pack… You just can’t see it!

Your abs are a group of muscles called the rectus abdominis, which are the six muscles that cover your stomach.

Apparently, we are all born with a six pack and it already exists. Believe it or not, right now you have a flat stomach. It’s just that you can’t see it because it’s covered and hidden under the few or many layers of fat on your body. If you really want to see that slim stomach and expose those deep cuts, you have to burn the fat that sits on top of it.

Now you might think that 1000 crunches a day is the key to burning that fat. Well, it’s NOT! There is NO such thing as spot reduction! You can’t get rid of the fat that covers your abs. So while crunches will certainly train your abdominal muscles, they won’t do anything to the fat that sits on top of those muscles.

The question now is… how do you burn that fat and how do you uncover your six pack?

Are you ready for this? Here it goes:

Reducing your body fat percentage!

Ready! This is all. Simply losing some body fat is the super secret key.

And how do you burn body fat?

You create a caloric deficit by eating fewer calories and burning more calories. This is the only way to eliminate abdominal fat by gradually burning it from the entire body through cardiovascular exercise, diet and weight training.

The human body gains and loses fat in a pattern that is predetermined by our genetics and cannot be changed. And it is commonly seen that the fat that covers the abs is often the last to go and the first to come back, making it even more difficult to get/maintain abs.

So, stay persistent in creating a calorie deficit through a clean diet, resistance training, and cardiovascular regimen and reduce your body fat percentage. Once you’re lean enough, you’ll see your abs stick out. Training the abs a little bit directly will make them stronger, better developed, and add more definition to the abdominal muscles (just like any other muscle group does when you train it).

Crunches require a lifestyle change and immense discipline; definitely not a quick fix.

Actually speaking, instead of saying that we want to get a six-pack, we should say that we want to discover a six-pack. Because really, that’s what has to happen!

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