Four Things You’ll Need to Learn Martial Arts Successfully

Let’s start with the most obvious question, “Can you teach yourself Martial Arts (MA)?” The answer is a definite YES and in this article I will show you how.

There are many reasons why you would consider teaching Martial Arts at home. These reasons may be any, or all, of the following:

– There are no schools in your area

– There are no schools that offer the style you are interested in

– You want to improve and complement your current training

– You are a loner and prefer to train alone

– You are shy and want to acquire some skills before joining a school…

– It is not economically possible for you to train in a school

Now, just because you fall into one (or all) of the above categories doesn’t mean you have to give up on your MA dreams. You simply have to find a creative way where you can learn Martial Arts at home on your own and still be successful.

The first hurdle you will have to overcome is the overwhelming negativity you will be faced with from the MA community. Everyone will want to convince you that it can’t be done.

Now let’s be honest here. Yes, it will be difficult, but no, it is not impossible. And I’m not saying this alone, if people like Evan Tanner (UFC champion), Chet Schemahorn (Gracie Jiu-Jitsu instructor), Huo Yuanjia (famous Chinese martial artist), Hwang Kee (founder of Tang Soo Do), Rich Franklin ( 2005-2006 UFC Champion), and so many others can, so why not you?

So now that you can see that it is definitely possible to learn martial arts at home, let’s look at the three most important things you will need to be successful.

1. Belief

Belief is simply the knowledge that you can do it, and if you look at those mentioned above who have already been successful, and some without the benefits of modern technology, you will see how you can do it too. None of the above would be considered special in any way and I’d be the first to tell you that if they can do it then you can too.

2. Schedule

When you attend the MA school, all lesson plans will be drawn up and provided to you. However, when you teach yourself Martial Arts you will have to do this planning yourself.

You will have to take your training and your future MA goals very seriously if you really want to be successful. Just because you’re training alone at home doesn’t mean you can be lazy. In fact, it means that you have to be highly motivated and put in more effort than those who attend a school.

So take some time before you start training to plan:

– what you will do (what MA, technique, etc.)

– when will you do it (how many days a week at what time)

– where you will train (prepare a suitable area to train)

– how long you will train (half an hour, one hour or two hours each session)

3. Get the right gear

Each MA has its own requirements. If you plan to learn a fighting art, you will need to get some mats etc to work on. On the other hand, if you are learning the art of kicking or punching, you will need space to work and, at the very least, a punching bag.

You will also need to do your homework and decide on the most suitable DVD or online course for your personal needs.

The last and most important thing you will need is:

4. The right system

Because you will be doing all of your MA training yourself, you will need to rely on the skill and experience of others who have already done it to help you succeed. For this reason, one of the most important things you’ll need is a system that “holds your hand” and guides you through the do’s and don’ts of learning a martial art at home on your own.

Teaching yourself Martial Arts is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. You will not only acquire valuable skills, but also become the Master of yourself; the ultimate goal of the Martial Arts.

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