Have fun making a Guitar Hero video!

We all love the idea of ​​playing Guitar Hero and pretending to be a rock star, so what about the idea of ​​taking it to the next level? True rock stars have many videos documenting their performances, and now Guitar Hero players are following them. There are many great videos that will become apparent as soon as you watch them, and if you are interested in making one yourself, there are many things to keep in mind. Whether you’re creating a playing aid that helps other players or just want to have fun, consider the three types of Guitar Hero videos and what to do with them.

1.Audio and visual of the game itself

When you watch this video, you will find yourself looking at an interface that you are very familiar with. You will hear the music as it plays and you will see the symbols scrolling the way they should. Making this type of video is the most direct way to allow others to practice their own skills. While there’s a lot that goes into playing Guitar Hero competently, simply taking the time to get to know the songs and visuals that make it up, all with nothing else getting in the way, can go a long way. This could be one of the ways you choose to help your community.

2.Audio and video of yours

This can be one of the funniest and most fun ways to enjoy the game. Set up the camera, set up your game and let go! There are many people who have turned what was a simple game into a fun performance, and they will find that this is a great way to have a good time. When you set up the camera it will of course post the hardest song you can play. Think how much fun you can have showing off your amazing Guitar Hero skills. Many fans of the game have earned some impressive following by doing just this.


There are a couple of ways to get you and the video into the shot at the same time. You can place the camera away from the TV and at an angle, or you can have two different videos at the same time. If you decide to do the second option, you just have to place the image from one of the cameras in a small square to the side. This is a very handy way to do a tutorial on how to play a song or just to make sure your viewers know exactly how awesome you are. Take your time and really consider what your options will be.

What kind of Guitar Hero video are you interested in making? You will find that there are a lot of videos, so take some time and really find out what your options will be and what you want to show the most.

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