How long does it take to lose belly fat and get six pack abs?

How long does it take to lose abdominal fat and have a well defined abdomen? The answer depends on a couple of factors. Today we are going to talk about 4 main factors that will influence your ability to lose weight and lose it fast.

1) Your body type, which will be strongly influenced by genetics.
2) Fat cells
3) Diet
4) Exercise

There are three main classifications of body types: ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs. Ectomorphs tend to be naturally slim and have high energy levels. They never really have trouble losing weight. I’m more of an ectomorph. I have a hard time gaining weight and a hard time gaining muscle. It is easy for me to lose weight, especially if I skip meals. Ectomorphs are, well, ectomorphy!

Mesomorphs are your 100 meter sprinters, your Arnold Schwarzenegger. They have a high metabolism like ectomorphs but find it easier to gain muscle mass.

Gaining weight is very easy and gaining muscle is very easy for mesomorphs which means losing weight is also very easy for them because they have a lot of muscle which means they have a higher basal metabolic rate and burn more calories. It is easier for mesomorphs to gain muscle definition.

Endomorphs have the short end of the stick when it comes to losing fat. I’ll be honest with you, if you’re someone who’s a little rounder, you find it easy to keep the weight off and you find it harder to lose it, it’s not going to be an easy path to muscle definition.

There could be an association with low thyroid function slowing your metabolism, exacerbating the problem. If you are an endomorph, pay special attention to all these lessons.

It’s important to realize that depending on which body type you display most dominantly (and we’re not one or the other, but a combination of all three), if you’re more of an endomorph, it’s going to take a lot more work for you. and diligence than someone who is more of an ectomorph or a mesomorph to lose fat and see more definition.

You can see my muscles no problem. If I want to lose fat, it doesn’t take me any time at all, but if you ask me to put a couple inches on my biceps, then we’re talking about being in the gym 24/7 doing workouts. serious. It would take a lot of hard work. It’s the same with an endomorph.

If you want to lose weight as an endomorph, you’re going to have a really hard time because you’re working against your body’s nature to some degree. But it can be done and millions of people are doing it right now. So if you’re in that category, keep your head up and know that you can do it. We will show you in these lessons how it can be done.

As far as getting to where you want to be in terms of muscle definition, it will depend a lot on where you are now. In the second lesson we talked about fat cells and fat cell receptors.

Today I want to talk about the fat cell itself. Fat cells are known as adipocytes. They hold onto fat for stored energy. Certain receptors on fat cells allow hormones to influence them, such as hormone-sensitive lipase, and break down fat into fatty acids that are removed from the body through the blood and used for energy.

I think it was in 2007 that researchers discovered the fat gene. This is a gene that determines the composition of your fat cells. Generally, an adult has around 30 billion fat cells. The common thought used to be that you were born with a set number of fat cells, but this might not be the case.

In general, if you are a healthy weight as an adult, you gained all your fat cells before you hit puberty. Puberty is the closing window for any new fat cell development. If you are a fairly lean adult, you will have the same number of fat cells throughout your life.

Now, if you gain excess weight even in your adulthood, new research shows that these fat cells can grow up to 4 times and start multiplying. That is a very scary concept. Instead of having 30 billion fat cells, if you gain excess weight, you may have 40 or 50 billion or more fat cells in your body.

This is just another reason to lead an active lifestyle and stay pretty fit and healthy. You don’t need more fat cells. Fat cells work like a balloon. If you fill a balloon with water it will expand and as soon as you release it the balloon will shrink back to its very small size.

When you lose weight, the fat cells shrink. Fat cells don’t disappear, but they can multiply, so be careful with that. You don’t want more fat cells, so the key is to decrease fat stores by using fat for energy.

That is why exercise is so important.

One thing you should know about fat is that it stores acid in the body. This is why alkalinity is so important in the diet. If your fat cells are holding on to a lot of acid, it will be very difficult for your body to get rid of its fat stores because they need to be there to hold on to the acid. But that is a topic for another day.

If you’re an ectomorph, chances are you’ve been able to get away with eating whatever you want in your lifetime. You may be able to eat fast food every day and not gain weight, but the problem is that you can be fit without being healthy.

If you’re eating junk food, you’re not doing your body any good on the inside. You may not physically show any weight gain, but to be healthy and fit you need to eat the right nutrients. Trust me, you will look and feel much, much better than you do now if you start eating whole foods.

As an endomorph you have to be very strict and diligent with your diet. As you probably know, if you have the wrong foods in your diet, like refined carbohydrates, for example, you will tend to retain water and gain weight easily.

Hopefully you are listening to your body enough that you can relate the food you eat to how you feel. It is important to have that body awareness. If you have no idea how food affects the way you feel, now is a good time to start making those connections between food and mood.

As an endomorph who wants to lose belly fat and really start to see some definition, you need to pay attention to your diet. You need to make sure you’re in that caloric deficit we talked about earlier.

You need to make sure that you are eating nutrient-dense foods and stay away from strictly carbohydrate-dense and nutrient-free foods such as chocolate bars, cakes, refined bread, soda, etc. Eat lots of vegetables. Vegetables are very rich in nutrients and act to burn calories due to their thermic effect.

They are high in fiber, which means the body has to spend a lot of time digesting them, which means your body burns calories doing so.

Mesomorphs can eat pretty much like ectomorphs do, but that doesn’t mean they have to! In general, everyone should stay away from refined carbohydrates. Even if something is made with 100% whole wheat, it’s not good.

Stick to pseudo grains like amaranth, quinoa, millet, spelt, etc. Those grains are easier for your body to digest. Wheat is very difficult for your body to digest, and many people have trouble digesting wheat, which can lead to bloating.

One of the reasons why it is difficult to have a flat stomach is food sensitivities. If you eliminate foods that you are sensitive to, it will be easier for you to see a flat stomach.

Whether or not you get that flat stomach depends a lot on where you are with your diet. If you are an endomorph, again, you have to do a little more work and be more diligent than an ectomorph or a mesomorph.

If you are a man with less than 10% body fat, you should see muscle definition. If you’re female, any body fat percentage below your mid-teens should show muscle definition. You don’t want to go too low with your body fat percentage. It is important to have a certain amount for energy purposes.

Let’s talk exercise. If you’re an endomorph, you’ll want to spend more time doing cardio in addition to strength training. Your body demands more effort if you are looking to burn fat. Endomorphs aim for 3-4 cardio sessions per week and a minimum of 3 strength workouts per week.

The goal in your workouts should be intensity. Your workouts should not last more than an hour at high intensity. If you’re an ectomorph, you don’t need to go crazy with cardio because you’re already pretty skinny.

The hard part for ectomorphs is building muscle, so spend more time doing full-body strength-training exercises to build some size and maintain your lean muscle mass. If you’re going to do cardio, which is what you should do, keep it short and intense and with intervals. I’d say 20 minutes three times a week is fine.

Mesomorphs have a bit of freedom because they are naturally blessed. Mesomorphs must incorporate both cardio and strength training in one way or another.

I wish I could tell you exactly how long it will take. I wish I could tell you that if you follow my advice you will see results in exactly 7 days, but it doesn’t work like that.

Anyone making those ridiculous claims is someone you should run from. A given program is not going to produce the same results for two different people. Everyone is unique.

The way you respond to your food intake and exercise will be very different from someone else’s. There are so many factors involved. With exercise, there’s the intensity, how long you exercise, what muscle groups you target, etc. There are all kinds of variables.

The goal is to hold that long-term vision of what you want to achieve and commit to achieving it. Realize, as we discussed in previous lessons, that it will take time.

From a general fat loss perspective, 1-2 pounds of fat loss per week is healthy. During the week, you must create a deficit of 7,000 calories to lose 2 pounds. It’s not easy, but it can be done.

Stay committed no matter what. And don’t trust the scale.

Pay attention to how the clothes fit you. Some people may not notice a difference on the scale, but do notice a decrease in body fat percentage in the mirror and on clothing. That is the true mark of improving your health and fitness.

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