How to stay committed to your health and happiness

For many people, knowing what they need to do to feel healthier and happier in their lives is often much easier than sticking to it.

I’m sure you’ve experienced moments in your life, or perhaps even currently, where you set a goal, made a resolution, came up with a plan of action for your personal and/or professional desires, and then before you knew it, you think about it again or it becomes a passing thought.

Perhaps your goal is to lose weight, be or eat healthier, be happier, walk or exercise more, meet a certain quota, make more sales calls, complete projects, overcome a fear, spend more time with family or friends. friends, or tackling your to-do list, etc.

You can even start your aim as if you were off the runners mark before the gun fired. You have a plan and THIS time you are sticking to it, right?

Then, before you know it, your momentum slows, and you then stop working toward the goal you said you originally wanted.

The part of you that I call “Victim Thought” has entered the building, which in this case would be your thoughts.

It’s that voice that says you’ll start tomorrow, or talks you out of what your plans are, or makes excuses, or on some level actually creates a quip to stall or slow you down, or turns the believer in you into a disbeliever.

This voice can be conscious or unconscious. If you’re not succeeding in your goal, you can bet that victim thinking is lurking in your thoughts and making other things more important than you, your happiness and well-being.

So how do you stay committed to living a healthier, happier life when that little voice you may or may not hear is trying to sabotage your results?

Become aware of your thoughts and/or excuses that are holding you back or getting in the way. When you are aware of what is holding you back, it becomes easier to work with the thoughts instead of the thoughts working against you.

If you’ve set a goal or come up with a plan of action for something and you’re not sticking to it, or something or someone (including you) is getting in the way, then it’s time to call in backup and hold yourself accountable. . Not just once in a while, but frequently.

Choose someone from your family, a friend, a coach, mentor or counselor to help keep you on track and hold you accountable for what you say you are working towards.

You are more likely to stick to your goal(s) when someone holds you accountable for them and encourages you when you need it.

Set a date you want to start, and not the next month or year.

Create an action plan. What steps are you going to take to achieve what you would like?

Be reasonable about the actions you will take. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. When you succeed in the small steps towards your desired results, then it is much easier to believe that it is now possible to take and succeed in the bigger ones.

Know when you or someone else needs to challenge you more, as you may become lazy in your thinking and way of doing things and may need to take steps to get moving again.

Congratulate yourself if you are making big or small steps. Some goals are more difficult than others and take time and persistence. Recognize your growth, commitment, and hard work.

Don’t beat yourself up if it takes longer than you thought, or if you start and then stop and then start again. The important thing is that you get back to it.

Old habits and mindsets are hard to break, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Don’t rush from one goal to the next. Take time to enjoy the progress you’ve made and to make sure your next goals align with where you are now. What is truly important to your continued growth, health, and happiness?

The attempts you make never fail if you are learning what doesn’t work and then staying committed to discovering what works.

“When it’s obvious goals can’t be achieved, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Confucian.

Remember, don’t give up; try, try again. You can do it!

Using these techniques insightfully will help you not only stay on track with your goals, but also ensure that they are in harmony with you and your vision.

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