How to stop letting things eat you alive

“Do not fear tomorrow, because God is already there” -Author Unknown

Here’s a quote I love: “All the water in the world can’t drain you unless it gets inside you.” -Eleanor Roosevelt. I know that we all have things that, if we allow them, can get under your skin and disturb your peace of mind. And, often they do.

These things can range from big to small, mildly irritating to devastating. There are things that bother you that someone said, or didn’t say. A boss that no one loves or respects but all you can do is suck it up and shut up.

Relationship problems of children, couples, friends and neighbors. Things related to money, worries, fears, and a bunch of other junk that needs to be thrown away on garbage day.

But what we do instead of throwing it away is allow it to infiltrate our thoughts and minds and then let it wreak havoc on what could be a really nice day.

What you think matters!

The reality is that no matter what you’re going through, you can let it in or keep it out and it all comes down to one thing; what do you think. Every time I want to go down that road and start worrying or worrying about something, I have to remind myself of two main factors that always work.

Although they are pretty basic principles and ones that we are all familiar with, we have a tendency to forget to take advantage of them because we are too busy being angry or feeling hurt or angry or disappointed or whatever it is that you are feeling.

These two things can be used together or separately, but you have to at least do your best to tune into one of them and when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.

And these two things are… drum roll please… “Faith and Gratitude.” Oh, I know that sounds so cliche, but guess what? They work.

If you really believe in God (or whatever you call your version of God), where is your faith? By truly trusting that God is leading you in EVERYTHING you do, and I mean truly believing it, then all the fear, worry, and other things that go along with worry will be replaced by the peace of knowing that everything is going to work out in the future. The end.

If you are truly a believer, you will KNOW that God is leading you to the right place. And, to go one step further, you are actually in the right place right now along your journey through life.

When you have faith even in difficult times, especially in painful times, then you are talking about serious faith. So do you think? Or do you just believe?

The other important exercise to change your mind is to think of all the things you still have in your life to be grateful for, regardless of what you’re going through.

Oh I know, once again so cliche! But let me tell you this; I’d rather be corny and cliché than suffer and be a victim of my circumstances any day of the week.

Also, there is nothing like putting the reality of life into perspective. When you put your faith in what you say you believe, then there really is no need to worry, fret and be afraid.

So when things are bothering you and you’re drowning in your own emotional turmoil, turn to the best you have in life; your faith and be thankful. When you do that, no matter what’s going on, you can still be happy despite it.

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