Keys to success – Diligence

Doing what it takes takes planning, initiative, determination, and persistence. If you and I are to win at this thing we call life, we must be diligent in pursuing those things that are vital and important to us. Diligence is not a word that many of us like to hear, but if we are going to achieve our goals and experience the joy of a fulfilled dream, we will have to develop the habit of being diligent. The word diligent, according to Webster’s Dictionary, means to be constant and careful. One definition of work is to give steady, careful, and consistent effort toward a goal or purpose. Diligence really is the mark of a successful person.

One of the greatest tragedies of life is the fact that many people, gifted people, talented individuals, who were and are capable of achieving amazing feats that would bless the world, sit idly by, some have died, hoping that their opportunity for success comes to an end. they come, not knowing that he came many times and passed by. At the same time, there are people who, instead of waiting for the opportunity, create their own opportunity, diligently pursuing a worthwhile dream.

If you really want to see what it feels like to achieve a goal, be consistent and careful to work on it every day, relentlessly, until it’s accomplished. You can have whatever you want. You can possess your promised land. You can do what God has put on your heart to do. You can make a difference in the world around you. You can write that book, make that album, get that dream job, build that business, become that preacher or teacher, attend that college or university, or accomplish whatever you set your mind to, if you put in the effort and keep going. until you experience success.

Here are some things to consider regarding the diligent soul:

1. A diligent person is not lazy or lazy. Procrastination has no place in their lives. Procrastinating means continuously postponing something, for another time, that you can do and finish today. Much of the time we tend to put things off because we don’t feel like doing them. This is laziness. Then, at other times, we procrastinate because we think we can’t do it. A good tip would be to delegate that part of your goals to someone else who enjoys doing it. And make sure you pay them too.

2. Diligent people are focused. They fixate on their goals and dreams and refuse to be dissuaded. They understand the importance of sticking to their plans, regardless of what others say or do. And they protect their focus, even saying no to things that are not in line with their quest. They will deny themselves passing pleasures, in order to maintain their focus. They are motivated by responsibility, not pleasure, because they understand that if they deny themselves some pleasure now, in order to stick to their goals and responsibilities, the time will come when they can have all the pleasure they want.

3. Diligent people guard their focus. They don’t just stay focused. They refuse to have anyone near them who might try to determine them from their focus. They are careful about who they allow into their inner circle. And they will remove people from their inner circle if they try to disrupt them and turn them away from their goals. They are not bad. They are not ugly. They are just focused.

If you want to accomplish something worthwhile, you would do well to study diligence and apply the principles of diligence to your life. It is vital to your success.

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