Ten Advantages Of Ballroom Dancing – How They Add Energy, Enlightenment, And Enjoyment To Your Life!

The most wonderful thing about ballroom dancing is that everyone can do it.

Ballroom dancing does not discriminate based on age, gender or nationality; welcomes everyone with open arms.

When done with the right attitude, ballroom dancing will add energy, enlightenment, and enjoyment to your life. It will also give you 10 benefits that will further improve your life and take you and your life to new heights.

But before giving you those 10 advantages, it is important to know that

Ballroom dancing originated in the 18th century and is becoming more popular with each passing day.

Every day, more than 100,000 people participate in ballroom dancing around the world. These dancers range in age from 3-4 at schools like World DanceSport Cebu to 99-year-old Tao Porchon Lynch who danced at an event in Mumbai in 2017.

In 2014, ballroom dancing was already a $ 2.1 BILLION-a-year industry. And with the popularization of shows like Dancing With The Stars, that number has skyrocketed every day.

So if you’ve ever wanted to ballroom dance (and you know you do) but have thought I can’t do it, either it would seem silly, or no one would want to dance with me. I am here to tell you that those thoughts are simply not true.

The ballroom dancing community is warm and here to encourage and support you.

And if you’ve been dancing for a while, you know that a day without dancing is like a day without sun

So here are the top ten benefits you get when you go out and ballroom dancing.

# 1: increase your confidence

Most of us have heard our mothers or teachers tell us “Sit down” or “keep your head up.”

Learning ballroom dancing not only gives you dance skills, it also increases your confidence both on the dance floor and off it. You will learn to support your dance frame by keeping your head up, your back straight, your arms at the correct level, and your rib cage supported.

This will make you look taller and feel lighter, which will make you feel good. Something as simple as feeling good about yourself opens up a new you.

You will slide across the ground as if you are on top of the world and you don’t want to go down. This feeling will overlap even when you are walking down the street.

Kids love it when they sit taller and feel like they can fly. They are also true learners and have the ability to develop their confidence faster than adults. They are not afraid of making mistakes and they never tire of repeating a dance move several times to get it right.

As my dance instructor says: “My friends keep telling me to relax, but I tell them that I am relaxed, that I just have good posture.”

That is trust!

# 2: leading your partner

In addition to supporting their frame, men learn to lead and also to invite women to dance. Men will tell you that this is no easy feat (no pun intended ï Š) they not only have to master the dance steps, listen to the beats of the music, but they also have to figure out where they should go and guide a partner. who follows them around. By learning to guide their dance partners, they will tell you that they learn to guide their spouses and love it, their children and their colleagues!

And, following your partner

My instructor will tell you that independent women are not easy to teach to follow. I know it first hand because I am one of them. Women must learn to follow their partners even if the partner is making a mistake. In dancing you learn to trust your partner and to listen to your partner. Only in dance do you not only use your ears to listen, you listen with your whole body. If you don’t trust and listen to your partner for guidance, you may lose a step. If this happens, you will find yourself falling to the ground and taking your partner with you.

# 3: improve physical and mental health

Social dancing provides the body with many health benefits, and ballroom dancing is no different. Dancing is removing your body and this reduces stress, increases energy, helps tone your muscles and increases mobility and flexibility.

The dance requires precision to execute the figures of the dance and the steps of the dance in movement; This helps your mind and muscles to coordinate and balance.

Paying attention to your partner’s body language teaches you to stay focused and pay attention to building details and increasing brain power.

# 4: expand music listening

We all grow up listening to music and we can all say that I love that music. In dancing you learn a different kind of “listening to music” and I call it a “kind of listening to music”.

When the music begins, these are some of the questions a ballroom dancer should answer:

1. What dance is that?

2. What is the rhythm of the dance?

3. What is the tempo?

4. What is the moment?

5. What is the rhythm?

For each dance, these questions will have a unique answer for that dance and for your dance level.

# 5 invite competition and Perforce showcases

Most Dance Studios encourage their students to perform and compete. It gives your students motivation to improve their dance and take it to a different level. For some of the students their goal is to compete and there are active competitive circuits from beginner level to professional level. Other students can perform on topics they like or their favorite dances. In both cases, the dances are choreographed following the guidelines of ballroom dancing.

By constantly wanting to improve your dance, install a certain mindset in your life that you will always want to do your best!

# 6: your friends and family will be interested and impressed

Admit it, most people love being the center of attention and that’s a good thing.

People are surprised, interested and impressed – when you tell them that you are going to go to class to learn to dance, especially when you are an adult or a grandmother like me. But just when, until you invite them to one of your performances and they see you glide across the floor! They will ask “How do you do it? How do you know when to turn around?” “I didn’t know you could do lifts like dancing with the stars”

These questions are priceless for an amateur dancer or a social dancer. You will love it!

# 7: provide a sense of accomplishment

Be prepared to laugh at your mistakes and learn from them. Learning to dance in the ballroom is like learning to walk, except you’ve forgotten how many times you fell as a baby to learn to walk.

You have to be prepared to fall so many times but this time you have a name for that “mistakes”. But if your goal is to learn to dance, you will repeat and correct those mistakes and you will feel satisfied like a child when you do it right. This will give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

And by laughing at your mistakes you will release serotonin, making you feel young and happy!

# 8: You can dance anywhere in the world

Ballroom dancing is popular in all corners of the world. Some countries participate more actively in dance than others. In some countries, ballroom dancing is a specialty, but you can be sure to find a ballroom or dance studio somewhere.

You also don’t have to understand the lyrics of the song, just the Music. My first demo case was about a song in a foreign language, but the rhythms of the music were perfect for the story I wanted to tell. That was six years ago and I haven’t bothered to find out what the words in the song meant because I delivered my own message at the dance.

# 9 You have the opportunity to dress up and glamorize

In a world where wearing jeans has been accepted as the norm, having a reason to dress is a welcome attraction. The dance dress for women has also evolved. Men still wear tails, but the way they dress has evolved. But it’s the preparation that makes it worth it. Shopping, fitting, and finding the best dress for each dance is exhilarating.

Also, you can be creative and decide what you want. This helps you stand out even more. All that energy lifts you up and takes you to a better place, a place of well-being.

# 10: you meet people

Ballroom dancing attracts all kinds of people from different walks of life. Your goal is to disconnect from your busy lives and have fun doing it. Whatever level of dance you achieve, you will have fun. From beginners who take to the track for the first time, often with a terrified expression on their faces, to seasoned professionals. The general rule of thumb for ballroom dancing is “You can’t say no when asked to dance”, so even if you are new to this and someone asks you to dance, say “Yes” (women also ask men to dance) . The person who asks you to dance will dance at your level. Remember that everyone started from that first step.


These are my most important reasons and advantages of why I love to dance and now there is something about them in my soul …
Parents go through the Good, Bad and Ugly phases intertwined in the good intentions of raising our children perfectly. These phases are unique to each child and teach parents about a whole new world that they had no idea existed.

I have painted a mural of love in my heart, for each one of my children, from what I have learned and the highlight is the good phases.

These ten advantages of dance are taken from the mural “Love of my son”. A piece of the mural that I painted when I tried to make my son’s wedding day the most special day of his life.

That little piece opened a window to my soul. It is the window to the world of dance that I did not know existed. Learning to use parts of my body (most of which I didn’t know existed either) in a different way, reading other people’s body language like a book, both by looking at and listening to their muscle tone.

And best of all I love to dance …

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