Month: September 2021

How to date your Fred Bear tie

Since we have the opportunity to sell many different items through our eBay delivery store, certain things start to stand out that seem to be selling extremely well. One element that stands out is the classic BEAR Recurve bows. Recently on a trip out of town we stopped by an antique store like we usually […]

Fast Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern United States, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. While we refer to these institutes in this article, they are not. There are a number of factors that […]

A Brief History of Die Cast Corgi Toys

Corgi toys were first released in 1956 by the Mettoy Company. Before this time, the main product of the company was lithographed metal toys. In 1948 they produced their first die-cast models and named them ‘Castoys’, these early models contained a clockwork motor that was also used in early Corgi models, giving them an edge […]

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