7 steps to a perfect master bedroom: furniture, planning and design

Your master bedroom is the only place you can go after a long day and completely unwind… right? If you’re shaking your head, you may need a master bedroom makeover. The mood of the room and the furniture in the bedroom should be just right: the paint should calm and lull you to sleep. The dildo should call your name and draw you into her embrace. If there are no calming, relaxing, or enticing things in your home, you can simply follow these steps and create a space you’re eager to snuggle up in.

1. Map
Planning your bedroom is the essential first step to your sleep oasis. When thinking about your bedroom, you should first collect ideas and brainstorm your favorite styles and the way you want your bedroom to feel. An easy way to do this is to look at design magazines or online furniture outlets to gather decorating ideas and view images of bedroom furniture you like.

You’ll also need to measure your space to make sure no furniture is being brought back or extraneous furniture is being placed.

Take a minute to decide on the purpose of your master bedroom. Will your space be cozy and snuggly? A night out with a TV and a living room? Will you put your sewing table in the corner to make quick seams? Your bedroom can be as simple or as multi-purpose as you make it, but this should be decided before you start choosing bedroom furniture.

The theme of your bedroom is extremely important. It helps tie all the colors, furniture lines, and lighting together and will ultimately help you make logical decisions about all of your options. Think about whether you want a casual, continental or country bedroom. How about a romantic, relaxing or Victorian theme? Choose the theme that best reflects your personality (and that of your partners). Once you’ve done that, you can start thinking about what elements of the theme you’d like to incorporate. (Bedrooms are better with stripped-down themes that use the most important elements as beautiful accents to your room, not a main feature.)

4. Colors
The colors you choose for your master suite should be warm and inviting. Some people prefer neutral colors while others will choose a bold color – the choice is up to you. Just remember that your colors should reflect your theme and you can always add accent colors through fabrics, accent pillows, and bedding.

5. Bedroom furniture
After you have measured and thought about the theme, you can start looking for your furniture. There are several things to consider while shopping.

  • Decide if you want matching pieces or an eclectic mix.
  • Make sure nightstands have enough storage space.
  • Choose furniture that fits your theme. For example, a “romantic” theme might call for a beautiful modern canopy bed with rotten iron accents, while a relaxing oasis might call for a soothing fabric-covered headboard.
  • Don’t clutter your room.
  • Choose the furniture that suits your needs; make sure you have enough space for all your bedroom accessories.

6. Lighting

When decorating their bedroom, many people tend to forget the very important detail of lighting. Lighting a room correctly can completely change the way furniture and skin tone look, the warmth of the room, and the subtlety of accent colors. Make sure your room has enough lighting to suit your needs: choose bedside lamps if you like to read, or a floor lamp if you have a living room. The main lamp will be a focal point, so choose wisely and make sure it fits in with the overall flow of the room. Another consideration might be whether or not you also need a ceiling fan for warmer climates.

7. Accents
This is where you bring it all together and complete your look. Accents in a room often make or break the look and should be chosen carefully. First, make a list of everything you need. Some purchases to think about are:

  • curtains and blinds
  • Bedding: quilts, quilts, blankets, pillowcases, etc.
  • decorative pillows
  • Wall tapestries and picture frames
  • An area rug for cool hardwood floors
  • Mirrors: A standing mirror for a full-length view is optimal if you have space.
  • Shopping for your accents is where you can really bring the elements and theme of your room together.

With a little planning, shopping, and your own personal touch, your bedroom can become the room of your dreams.

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