Caring for the relics in your closet

Wedding dresses, christening gowns and other heirloom clothing can mean a lot to us as they represent important occasions in our lives. It can be a family tradition to pass on wedding dresses, quilts, afghans, and other types of textiles. Proper care of these items can prolong their longevity and help prevent deterioration, fading, and irreversible damage to the fabric.

Clean quickly

If something is worn or even sleeping with, it should be cleaned within a few days of use. Even if there are no visible odors or stains, the fabrics should be cleaned. This is mainly because our body oils have come into contact with the fabric. Over time, these oils break down fabrics, causing them to rust and yellow, or even deteriorate. These oils are also what attract harmful insects. Proper cleaning of garments is essential before storing them.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is a great way to remove body oils, makeup, and food stains from clothes. However, dry cleaning is not intended to remove sugar-based stains, such as those from alcoholic beverages or soft drinks. Please point out areas that could be affected by spilled beverages to your dry cleaner so they can treat these stains separately. Don’t bother with unnecessary, expensive, and potentially dangerous treatments aimed at killing bacteria or fungi. However, request a “tumble free” cleaning for delicate items. If your dry cleaner doesn’t do this, ask before you pay to have it shipped somewhere.

Relic sealing

You may have heard that a special dry cleaner has to seal your wedding dress or heirloom quilt. This process consists of cleaning and sealing the garment in an acid-free box with acid-free tissue paper. Sometimes the garment is vacuum sealed. The International Fabricare Institute says this process is not necessary. Clothes need to breathe. Using acid-free cardboard and tissue paper is a good idea, but you can also use clean white sheets. You can even use plain white tissue paper if you replace it annually. Wash the sheets every year or two as well because natural acids can build up on the fabric.

To hang up or not to hang up?

If you want to hang a special dress, be sure to use sturdy dress hangers that are designed to support the weight of a heavy garment. Cedar hangers are great because they absorb moisture from the area around the garment and repel pests that could damage the garment. For longer storage, you may consider storing the garment horizontally to minimize stress on an especially heavy garment.

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