Category: Arts Entertainments

Functional exercise that makes sense

Many people spend most of their training time developing nonfunctional muscles that rely on hinges and pins to function properly. That’s right, I’m talking about working out on weight machines. Weight machines have great application for: 1) helping to provide stability and support to a weak muscle (ie, just starting an exercise routine or coming […]

Make beats the easy way

Making beats is an art that takes time and dedication to master. I’m sure you already know this from reading the story of how celebrity Soulja Boy spent most of his summer making beats and eventually rose to the top with a reputation to go with it. Most of the people, who are talented in […]

You are jealous? Do the test

Jealousy is a toxic and debilitating emotion, causing damage to any relationship when jealousy rears its ugly head. Jealousy leads to hurt, anger, and other destructive behaviors that ultimately harm yourself and the relationships in your life. For example, he won’t run to her neighbor and yell at her for buying a new car, but […]

How Much Should Piano Lessons Cost?

Piano Lessons Cost The cost of piano lessons varies. You may be surprised to learn that a college student has the same training as a professional teacher. However, the cost of a half-hour lesson with a high school student is typically less than $40. Prices also vary according to location. Some teachers charge monthly instead […]

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