Different encryption algorithm

There are basically 2 different types of encryption: asymmetric and symmetric encryption. This encryption is compatible with Java.

The different encryption algorithms that java support are:

1. DES: With a 56-bit key size, DES is considered a slower encryption algorithm.

2. Triple DES – Uses the 112/168 key size, but provides 80/112 equivalent security, making it slower as well.

3. AES: Reserves the 128-bit, 198-bit, and 256-bit key size, which is considered a faster algorithm. Although it is faster, its speed depends on the size of the key.

4. Blowfish – With a key size from 128 bit to 448 bit, it is considered a better and faster algorithm. Blowfish is now replaced by Twofish.

5. RC4: Key size from 40 bit to 1024 bit, RC4 is the fastest Java compatible encryption algorithm.

Now when it comes to choosing between these different encryption techniques, DES and Triple DES are out of date.

The best algorithms are the ones that ship with Java.

DES and 3DES are outdated and known to be decrypted without a key, so you should skip them.

AES is the industry standard as of now, as it enables 128-bit encryption. Here is an example of AES encryption in java

Other than that, if you are trying to encrypt a password, you must use a hash function to create hashes of the encrypted password string. The MD5 hash is mainly used for this. By comparing, you can encrypt the input password, hashed it with MD5 and compare it with the value stored in the database under password.

However, the MD5 hash can be easily cracked, but it provides a first line of defense against cryptanalysis.

Here is an example that uses AES encryption.

public static string encryption (string key, string start vector, string value) {

try {

IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec (initVector.getBytes (“UTF-8”));

SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec (key.getBytes (“UTF-8”), “AES”);

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance (“AES / CBC / PKCS5PADDING”);

cipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, iv);

byte[] encryption = encryption.doFinal (value.getBytes ());

System.out.println (“encrypted string:”

+ Base64.encodeBase64String (encrypted));

return Base64.encodeBase64String (encrypted);

} catch (Ex exception) {

ex.printStackTrace ();


return null;


The most secure encryption algorithm, and the most impossible to build in real life, is a one-time infinite XOR pad encrypted in the complaint text.

If you are talking about public key cryptography, which is the type of encryption that you would be concerned with in most Internet applications, in a type that has been validated and not intentionally weakened, the length of the key matters much more than the strength or the weakness. of the algorithm.

Some algorithms allow up to a certain key size, so you want ones that have an unlimited key length. Doing a quick search, I can’t find any that directly support it.

Since it is the only hash that supports unlimited key sizes, there will likely be some based on SHA-3 once it is fully implemented.

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