Does not masturbation really increase penis sensitivity?

Masturbation is quite a natural and healthy thing that every man should feel free to enjoy. In fact, experts recommend regular masturbation as an integral part of good penis care. But there is a growing movement that says masturbation is the way to go, with advocates claiming that it improves concentration, better productivity, more desire, and even an increase in penis sensitivity.

Pros and cons of not masturbating

For some, the idea of ​​not getting by at least on a daily basis can be difficult to grasp. For others, the thought of not having that stress relief in the palm of their hand is enough to generate anxiety. But for the curious, here are some pros and cons of the ‘no masturbation’ movement.

Disadvantage: Don’t get off. Not being able to come in private can quickly lead to serious problems, such as more tension, discomfort, irritation and, of course, the physical feeling of needing relief but not being able to get it. This is compounded by the fact that many men think about sex and release more often when they stop pleasuring themselves.

Advantage: more attention to partners. On the other hand, “do not masturbate” does not mean that men “do not have sex.” A man who stops using his hand may turn to his partner more frequently, thus increasing his sexual adventures and his enjoyment of them. On top of that, he could actually enjoy sex a lot more than he did when he was having fun alone.

Advantage: increased sensitivity of the penis. A man who does not handle the equipment too often will notice that the sensitivity of the penis increases quite quickly. Soon, every movement will start to feel sensual; even walking around with your clothes brushing against your penis may be enough to make you want to jump into the bag with a willing partner.

With: Frustration. However, not all men have a partner. So what? A man who has no means of freeing himself must find some other way to direct all that sensual energy, and any man will tell you that it is not an easy task. Some may work with this and channel that energy into other endeavors, leading to …

Advantage: More concentration and time. For those who are good at turning frustration into action, the ‘no masturbation’ movement might be a good idea for a short period of time. By clearing the mind of the pleasure of the flesh, man naturally finds more time. He does not turn on the computer to watch adult videos, does not read a naughty magazine, and otherwise does not spend time on masturbation. That’s a long time for other things.

Pros and cons: Learning about himself. A man who goes through a “no masturbation” period will discover the little “cracks” in his daily life fairly quickly. For example, a man who has relied on pornography will realize that in no time. Problems with a very low sex drive will become crystal clear when you can go weeks without wanting to get off. Or a man might find that masturbation actually works better and will come to appreciate it in a way that he did not before.

Regardless of whether a man chooses to follow a “no masturbation” policy for a time, he should always focus on penis health. You should use a specially formulated penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for the skin) daily. Applying a nourishing cream loaded with vitamins, such as A, C, D, and B5, as well as an excellent moisturizer such as vitamin E, will help keep your penis ready for action. All of this mixed into a natural shea butter base can keep dry, itchy skin at bay, and that will be greatly appreciated when a man gets his hands on things again.

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