God’s angels, Satan’s demons

The lie and the truth are addictions, one positive, the other negative. Think about that fact for a moment, and then continue reading the article. God’s genuine angels begin with honesty, everything that is of Satan, including demons, begins with a lie, however big or small. What does the entire Holy Bible essentially say when you or anyone including me read between the lines in its entirety?

From Genesis and Exodus to Jude and Revelation, New or Old Testament, that’s the message you can’t argue with: In fact, I can honestly say that the lessons become so clear that it’s an accurate understanding that Basic Instructions Before Leaving the Earth or Bible is an understatement to me. Realistically, advanced concepts are a continuation of basic instructions not far removed, like the scene in the movie “Karate Kid” where the kid was taught advanced concepts through basic tasks like washing cars and painting fences.

So at this point I want to say this: Lies usually come in a more attractive and elegant package than the truth due to the fact that it is too good to be the honest truth with all the “hard work” and reality that the honest implies the truth. It all starts with a sales pitch about how much easier honest work and honest truth is. What does the Devil always offer? Does the devil offer anything better than God’s honest truth throughout the Bible? Always. However, the Devil never really delivers, except in a disappointing way that fools us all. That is. The Devil works in a cunning and better-looking way than God at first, but when things get going, “Watch out!” The devil wants his due once he thought he got away with it and everything “runs smoothly”. The main benefit of God is that God and God’s angels tell you how things are without sales pitches, just as nature is what it is. Not a trick in sight, not a game played, just reality. In fact, honesty is the miracle. Because can the devil say that? The Devil can’t, the Devil is a dirty pitch that always cheats. God is what he is, that’s all.

So, I will not offer polemic or argument here, but I will say which side I am on, whatever it is, I am on the side of honesty, reality and what really works for the genuine Good. So, I end with a quote from Wallace DeLois Wattles:

“To think what you want to think is to think the truth regardless of appearances. Each person has the natural and inherent power to think what they want to think, but it requires much more effort to do so than to think the thoughts suggested by apparitions.”

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