What Happens If You Don’t Pay a Bail Bondsman?

Pay a Bail Bondsman

When someone is arrested and charged with a crime, they are usually offered bail. Bail is money or property that the defendant puts up in order to be released from jail until their trial date. It is typically set by a judge, and it can vary from county to county. If the person pays their bond, and they attend all their scheduled court appointments, they will get the money back after their case is over (minus any court costs). However, not everyone has tens of thousands of dollars sitting in their bank accounts, and it can be difficult to raise enough cash for the amount of bail that they need. This is where a bail bondsman comes in.

A bail bondsman is a company that helps people pay their bail, and they typically charge 10% of the total amount of the bail for their services. They can be found online, through a friend or family member, or by contacting a law firm that offers criminal defense services in their area. In some cases, the attorney handling a client’s case will even be able to connect them with a local bail bondsman, and this can be extremely beneficial.

If the defendant does not make their payments to the San Diego bail bondsman, they can be sued in civil court for the amount that they owe. This can cause a great deal of damage to a person’s credit, and it is important that they are able to keep up with their payments. This is why it is so important to find a reliable bail bondsman that works with clients to help them through this difficult time, and who can offer flexible payment plans.

What Happens If You Don’t Pay a Bail Bondsman?

If you skip bail, the court will likely hold your arraignment in jail. They will then decide if they want to offer you more money in order for you to remain free, or whether to issue a warrant for your arrest or suspend your license. In most cases, it is better to stay in jail until you can afford the bail or your trial date arrives.

Those who skip bail often do so because they cannot afford to pay their bond. In some cases, the courts will allow a cosigner to pay for their bond, but in most situations, this is not an option. Cosigners are legally obligated to pay for the full amount of the bond in the event that the defendant does not appear in court.

If you are going to post bail, it is always best to do so through an experienced san diego bail bondsman that has a good track record of helping people with their needs. It is also important that you read the fine print carefully, and understand exactly what is required of you if you are cosigning a bail bond. A good bond agent will be more than happy to help you through this stressful time, and they can provide you with a clear contract that sets out the terms and conditions of the bail agreement.

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