Hot trend for Christmas 2009 – Board games

One of the hottest trends for Christmas toy shopping this year may be the resurgence of the board game. That’s right, sales of many old prepong favorites like Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders, and Operation are rising, while sales of video game systems like PlayStation are falling. Spurred by a combination of belt-tightening by shoppers and a tendency to turn nostalgic during tough times, board game sales are up 5% since May 2008, while overall toy sales are down. 2%, and electronic game sales are down 12%. .

Toy manufacturers are responding to this new trend by updating their family games to have a more current feel. For example, the depression-era game Monopoly has replaced its familiar shoe game piece with a laptop. You can also purchase properties using the new credit card machine. Instead of removing a fuze in the Operation game, you can now remove your finger from a cell phone, and the Clue board game has new characters, including a dot-com billionaire.

The marketing of board games is also being updated. Hasbro, the maker of games like Operation, Candy Land and Scrabble, has begun promoting “family game night” in response to the growing trend of board games. Their website features “games of the month” along with tips on hosting your own “game night.”

The technology has recently made its debut in the world of board games. with a game called Scene It?. This game uses a DVD to display TV and movie clips along with the traditional game board to engage players in this fun trivia style game.

So what are going to be the hot board games for Christmas 2009?

A bestseller in many stores continues to be the strategy game Settlers of Catan. In this game, designed for ages 10+, players battle to collect resources, build settlements and cities that ultimately determine the winner.

Another bestseller this year is Quiddler, a fast-paced game for word lovers in which players try to create words from cards dealt. Like Scrabble players, they try to use high point letters to get the highest score. Points are also awarded for most words, so even small words can help you win.

What serious board gamers are choosing as their best overall game is Puerto Rico. If you are looking for a super fun strategy game that can teach your kids economics and trading lessons, this is it. Recommended for ages 12 and up, players in this game take on the role of various plantation owners around the 19th century. The winner is determined by who is best positioned to deliver their product across the sea to Europe.

With a mix of gambling and trivia, Wits & Wagers may be the best seller again in 2009. In this quick and easy to learn game, players not only try to answer fun and sometimes crazy questions, but also they bet on the accuracy of others. players respond to crown a winner.

If you are looking for a game that can be fun for both a five year old and an adult, you should try Blokus Classics Game by Mattel. In this strategy game that lasts about 30 minutes, you place colored pieces on the board in an attempt to be the first to play all your pieces before your opponents. Blokus is a fast, easy to learn and fun game for both adults and children.

With the economy still in the dumps, and many board games selling for under $20.00, they are sure to be a popular gift under the Christmas tree this year. So buy one while there’s still a good supply on store shelves. You will find out as many others already know. You forgot how fun playing a board game with your family and friends can be.

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