How to best prepare your home for sale

Everyone reads articles on how to prepare a house for sale. I think there is a problem with those articles. Most people don’t really see what they have. Have someone come to your house, like a good friend or close relative, who you think will be honest and forthright and who you think has a good handle on the world of real estate introductions. Tell them to be brutally honest about what to keep, throw away, give away, or store.

Most homeowners love what they have done in their homes. And they’re colorblind too. So if they’re told to depersonalize, reduce clutter, or whatever advice comes their way, they’ll ignore it, unless they’re that rare person who can take off those rose-colored glasses and actually “see” their home like everyone else does. . .

So get your person or persons (two advisers are often better than one) and walk around your house with a pad and pen, taking notes as you go. And start with the outside if you live in a townhome or single-family home. Otherwise, start at your front door.

Noticing as you go, is the door clean? Does the knocker or bell work? Are your shoes/umbrellas littering the lobby? What’s on kitchen counters and around the sink? Put everything, including sponges, soap dispensers, the picture on the fridge, anything on top of the fridge or stove. Leave your coffee pot and other appliances outside. Flowers or a pot look pretty on the counter. Maybe one more accessory like a kettle. There are also no kitchen towels hanging on the front of the oven. You understand me? You have to be brutal. If you hardly ever use it, pack it up or throw it away or give it away. Then start cleaning. Everything must shine. Floors, windows, furniture, accessories, everything! Too much furniture in the room. Again, remove it and do not put it in a garage or basement. Move out of the property. Remember, less is more. If you’re debating a particular topic, remember this little saying: When in doubt, move it.

Now look at your walls and floors. If you have wallpaper, chances are no one will like it. Take it down and paint the walls a warm beige. If the rug isn’t a neutral color, change it. If the carpet is stained, replace it. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money. Your goal is to make it look good. Don’t worry that it won’t hold up to normal wear and tear. Your buyer will probably change everything anyway, and will probably start with the things they liked best!

If it’s broken, fix it. If the bulbs are burned out, replace them. If the furniture is worn, cover it or throw it away. If you don’t take it with you, it goes away.

Now let’s talk about bathrooms. Wallpaper? Again, not good. Remove it and paint it a neutral color. And don’t argue that you don’t like neutrals and washed out colors. You move in anyway and neutral colors sell houses. Clean counters. Hang up some nice new towels, all in neutral colors. Change the shower curtain to a solid white or beige. Put one thing on the counter. Scrub the room from top to bottom. If something is broken, fix it or replace it. There should be nothing on the ground. Just the tile. There is no stock of toilet paper in a basket. There are no shampoo and conditioner bottles on the ledge in the bathtub. Maybe a rubber ducky if it’s nice and clean. No sponges, no cleaners. And there is no black mold on the grout where the tub meets the wall. Use bleach to clean it, lots and lots of bleach.

Let’s talk about the bedrooms. If you have floral bedspreads, unless they’re really neutral, change them. If you have a lot of cushions lying on your bed, save most of them. Clear nightstands and dressers. Just a lamp, a phone, and maybe a watch. No books, no magazines, no pretty accessories…unless you have a pretty big nightstand. Same deal with the wallpaper. Neutral paint again. No baskets. No scrap. No stacks of books. Clean the cabinets. There should be nothing on the ground. Give away the clothes, shoes and handbags that you no longer use. Pack up seasonal items and hide them under the bed. Put the remaining clothes on nice plastic hangers, not wire ones. Leave space between each hanger. Shoes on the shelf neatly please. Bags there too. All like soldiers lined up in a row.

If you have children, their toys should go in baskets. The slippers must be in the closet. The tops of the dressers must be transparent. The rooms should be almost empty because children’s rooms are usually much smaller than the master bedroom and all that stuff lying around will make those bedrooms look smaller than they really are.

If you have a den or family room, you’ll probably have a lot to do there too. Coffee and side tables should be nearly empty. People often place furniture with the television as the focal point. Many times, this is not the best furniture arrangement to show off the room. Nobody will notice that the TV is not in the best viewing position. Your goal is to make the room look as big as possible.

When your real estate agent calls to say there is a showing, leave the house. Take the dog and cat if you can. Don’t forget the kids and your mom. Nobody should be at home. If you can’t leave, then the rule is: don’t talk to anyone. Maybe nod. Don’t follow them either. Sit outside if possible. Go for a walk. If you absolutely can’t leave, squeeze yourself into a corner and be as discreet as possible. Imagine that you are Casper the Ghost. Neither eat nor drink. Stay out of the kitchen. And definitely don’t cook anything. It will make the house smell and buyers won’t like smells, just nice, mild scents.

It’s better if it’s not there because it will make buyers feel uncomfortable. They will be so busy trying to avoid you, trying to keep their voices down that they may not give your house the attention it deserves. You may think it’s a good idea to be home so you can answer any questions Buyers may have. Trust me, you are wrong. If there are questions the real estate agent can’t answer, there are phones in use today. The real estate agent will call the listed agent for answers.

Let’s talk about values. If you have things you value, such as jewelry, coins, cameras, trinkets, store or package them. Hide them. Don’t leave anything lying around that might tempt someone. And while we speak, pack up all your family photos. To the last.

I think now you’re getting the idea. That you just don’t decide to put the house up for sale. Most sellers need to do a lot of homework to get their property in the best possible condition. If you do it right, you will sell your property quickly and for more money. The rule is, “the faster you sell it, the more money you get for it.” So set aside as much time as you need to do this preparation the right way. You will then be able to collect that extra money your property can produce and get on with your life. Trust me, it’s not fun to show properties. Do what you have to do before and then you will go to the bank, with the fullest wallet.

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