Is it good to pay children with good grades?

According to some parents, if children are paid to get better grades, they will want them to do better in school. They will also realize that working hard and making good decisions has its rewards. They will try to get better grades, hoping to earn more money.

Children will also learn responsibility and the value of money. It would encourage success and motivate them to try harder to get good grades. There are many students who just don’t care enough to make an effort to do their best in school, but offering money for success would give those students a reason to pay attention and put in the effort.

Children would also be smarter because they want money. Kids these days don’t listen to teachers because they think it’s a waste of time. But if they get paid to get good grades, they would listen and be smarter. They would also have a better chance of getting a good job. They would have a better chance of getting a good college education. Other than that, it would be easier for teachers to teach because students would know that if they didn’t listen, they wouldn’t get paid. Also, the kids wouldn’t be late because if they miss something, they might not get a good grade.

However, there are also some parents who said that children should not be paid for good grades because as students, they should try on their own and not worry about money. If their grades are good, parents can recognize them.

Parents should not give money to their children, even if their grades are good or not. Students must learn on their own. If we keep rewarding them with money, they won’t learn anything. We are not even teaching them VALUES because the reason for their good performance in school is stimulated by MONEY.

It is not even stipulated in the school rules and regulations that students should be paid for good grades. It is your choice to achieve better results in your studies, regardless of the rewards. Good grades are a reward in themselves. A person shouldn’t need money to get good grades.

As a parent, I believe that if my children maintain good grades in school, it is their CHOICE. I don’t have to bribe them with money just to get something done. I hope they do well in school because I work very hard just to support their needs, especially their EDUCATION. In return, it is your obligation to work hard and improve in your studies. It’s for your own good. It is better to teach our children a sense of responsibility even at a very young age.

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