Do you need to audit your company website?

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there” – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland If your company’s website has not been audited in the last two years, you will be in for a lot of surprises and not good ones, I’m afraid. A website audit will tell you where […]

Enmity against god

What should leaders do to avoid hurting church members? James 3: 13-17 (Extended Bible) Who is there among you who is wise and intelligent? So may, with your noble life, show your [good] work with him [unobtrusive] modesty [which is the proper attribute] of true wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy (envy) and contention […]

Leaving your Puggle alone

Puggles are sociable dogs that enjoy company and don’t like to be left alone. That does not mean they are not good apartment dogs or that they will tie you to the house all the time. All it means is that your dog’s training will have to focus a little more on this aspect. Puggles […]

Inside the Boxscores Week 3 Part 2

Inside the Boxscores is a weekly article by Matt Fargo that has been widely recognized as the best summary of college football. He thoroughly analyzes each game and extracts the most relevant information that will help you play handicap in the future. College football is full of wacky plays, misleading scores, and surprising finishes. Fargo […]

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