Recovering from a big meal or binge: the healthy way

Okay, so it was the weekend. And after a long week of hard work, you deserve to treat yourself and go to restaurants and bars with some of your friends. But now it’s the day after and you’re feeling a little guilty, sluggish, bigger around the waist and possibly a little hungover. How do you quickly recover from your weekend extravaganza and get back on track?

To get you back in top shape as quickly as possible, I’ve outlined some simple tips to get you going and divided them into two categories for your convenience: binge drinking and binge eating.

If you drank too much:

1 water

I cannot stress how good water is for you. As a preventative measure against a hangover the next day, drink at least 2 glasses of water before going to bed. Since alcohol dehydrates your body’s system, rehydrating it can very effectively counteract the effects of alcohol.

2. Sports drinks (ie Gatorade)

Similar to the above, sports drinks are high in electrolytes which can help not only replenish electrolytes, but also rehydrate the body. Drink it before bed and the next morning if you’re not feeling in top shape!

3. Lemon water

If you don’t have sports drinks, lemon water is a great healthy hangover cure alternative. Get some lukewarm water and squeeze at least half a lemon into it. Lemon is excellent for you, since it activates the functions of your liver, releasing and eliminating your toxins and cleaning your interior.

4. Supplements or foods rich in vitamin B and C

Since alcohol is a diuretic, you lose a lot of vitamins and nutrients after a night of heavy drinking. If possible, take a multivitamin supplement to replenish your body with nutrients, and if you can’t, focus on getting at least the B and C vitamins back into your body. Vitamin B aids in alcohol metabolizing processes, dilating blood vessels and restoring energy level, while Vitamin C stimulates the liver and helps break down alcohol to ensure you’re on your way to a faster recovery. .

5. Exercise

As bad as you feel, getting some light exercise can really help cure a hangover. Going for a walk/run and doing some light stretching can help increase blood circulation and prompt your body to rid itself of toxins faster.

If you ate too much:

1. Sit back and relax

Right after the big meal, sit back, relax, and focus on your digestion. When you do this, your parasympathetic system will kick in, which will speed up your digestion. Under circumstances, don’t go to bed right away, as your whole body system will slow down and slow down your digestive speed.

2. Have a tea

Herbal teas like peppermint, peppermint, ginger, or chamomile are great for preventing bloating and aiding in digestion and cleansing the system. Have a cup of tea after a large meal to calm the stomach and reduce the feeling of fullness after a large meal.

3. walk away

After getting some rest, go for a 30-minute walk, and be sure to keep doing it for a few days after that night of heavy eating. Walking helps move food through your digestive system and encourages cleansing of your body’s system. You will feel much lighter and much less guilty after light exercise!

4. Eat well the next day and don’t starve.

Eating your normal daily meals the following days is important as it ensures consistency and regularity in your body’s digestion. One tip is to eat a healthy breakfast rich in insoluble fiber to move the intestines. Great options include oatmeal, high-fiber cereals, and whole-grain breads and fruits. Also remember to drink plenty of water to help your body digest and eliminate toxins and waste!

5. Have a digestive supplement

Digestive supplements are great for aiding digestion and detoxification of food. They should normally contain supply enzymes to help break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins to relieve bloating and indigestion and encourage cleansing and detoxification through your body systems. If you are not sure which supplement to buy, there is a good supplement on the market called USANA Digestive Enzyme that works well and helps your body recover quickly from excess. If you feel like it, try it!

I hope you feel much better!

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