Vitamins end up in septic tanks or sit in your colon

One of the reasons many (most) synthetic vitamins and supplements don’t do much good is because they don’t dissolve in the stomach. It enters the colon and sits there, until it eventually passes through and finds its way into septic tanks or back into our water supply.

Absorption is the key to everything. How much you swallow means very (VERY) little. Septic tank cleaners have discovered that many ‘pill-poppers’ septic tanks have layers of pills at the bottom, a clear example of taking something that passed through and was never absorbed.

It makes sense, at least to me. Vitamins aren’t going to do you much good and may even harm you. There are multivitamins that are safe. These are made from whole foods, no synthetics, fillers, nothing artificial. So how much do you know about your one day multi? Are they whole foods that your body can actually use, or are they synthetics that will sit in your colon, in a septic tank, or end up in our water supply?

I’m always glad to see studies come out on vitamins. It’s about time people learned about One-A-Day multis. It’s not the nutritional supplements that are bad, it’s the synthetic ingredients in most vitamins sold in the US and UK.

Now if only we could create a naturally derived standard: to ensure that vitamin and mineral supplements are natural and taken directly from plant sources, and do not contain synthetics of any kind. We need a logo for these non-synthetic supplements, just as we have logos for organic foods. This would help eliminate confusion about ingredients because to have this NOS label, the supplement MUST come from whole foods, with these foods listed as ingredients.

Think how simple it would be if everyone could read the ingredients in supplements and know exactly what fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc. it was. I love it and I hope this happens at some point in my life…

I believe that everyone who takes a multivitamin does so to promote good health, I also believe that most people don’t realize that there is a difference in the ingredients. Because of this, Whole Food Nation has taken the time and effort to educate Americans about “vitamins.”

Get a free report “Are your vitamins safe?” check the ingredients of your multivitamin with this report. You might be very surprised and maybe a little scared to realize that you could be causing more harm than good.

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