How to control dog whining

White dogs for a number of reasons. By understanding the root cause of dog whining, you can take a few simple steps to control your dog’s unwanted whining.

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When your dog whimpers, he is talking to you. She wants you to know that there is something that she needs for a variety of reasons. Her dog may not be feeling well. Her dog may be lonely and want her company. Her dog may be scared and she is asking for help.

How to control or stop dog whining

If your dog is complaining that you’re not home, he may be suffering from separation anxiety. This is a relatively easy canine behavior to correct. You need to start conditioning your dog to leave the house and come back after a short period of time, say 5 minutes.

Don’t give too much importance to your game. No excited goodbyes and good girl goodbyes. When you return, pay no attention to your dog when he comes in. Act like you’re in the next room for a few minutes and that your return to where your dog is doesn’t deserve any fanfare.

If you make a fuss about leaving or returning, you are actually telling your dog that what you are about to do or the fact that you are back is very momentous. This will instill an even greater sense of urgency in your dog to whine, as he now “knows” that your absence is something that excites you, therefore he needs to tell you that he noticed and that he wants you to be there.

Start extending the periods of your absence to 15 minutes, then 30 minutes, then an hour, then 3 hours, until your dog pays no attention to your departure or return. When you have accomplished this, you will have overcome separation anxiety in your dog and the whining will have stopped.

Your dog may also display whining behavior if he simply wants your attention. If she complains about her and you respond to her by giving her treats, playing with her, or petting her, her dog will have been very successful in training her! She has just become the teacher and the dominant member of the dog pack.

This is the exact opposite of the proper hierarchical order of the package. You have to assert yourself as the leader of the dog pack.

One way to control this type of whining is to simply ignore your dog. If you don’t get the desired reaction, your immediate attention when he whines will soon tire of this approach and you will have established control over your whining dog.

If your dog persists in whining, you should give him a firm command like “No!” Let him know with his voice and never with physical punishment that the dog’s whining is unacceptable and must stop. Another approach is to rattle a can full of stones that make a loud, unpleasant noise. This auditory interruption is very unpleasant; Your dog will associate his whining with the unpleasant noise and stop whining.

Dogs also whine if they want to get in or out. If your dog whines to go out to the dog toilet, that’s fine. In this case, your dog is telling you that he needs to relieve himself. When this dog whining occurs, you should say “good dog” to let your dog know that you appreciate him alerting you to the need for him. Always use exactly the same words and in the same tone. Your dog cannot understand your human language, but he will associate the sound of your voice and the words you speak in a way that reinforces what in this case is a desired action.

Another method of controlling your dog’s whining is to divert his attention from the cause of the whining to something more appropriate. If he complains, you could ask him to “come” to you or to “stay.” If she responds to your command, then you could give her a reward.

Both dogs and puppies whine if they are hungry or bored. Puppies want food just like adult dogs and they need and want exercise. Be sure to give your dog enough exercise each day before any whining has a chance to start. Your dog may be tired and happy and the prospect of making a fuss over the dog’s whining will lose its appeal.

As we mentioned earlier, never, ever, ever hit or physically punish your dog at any time. Physical abuse of dogs is not only inhumane and punishable by law, it is counterproductive. An abused dog will have accelerated and more intense displays of undesirable behavior than a dog that is worked with in a calm, loving, and appropriate training environment.

Finally, dogs that whimper for no apparent reason may be telling you that they are sick or injured. Don’t ignore dog whines that are unexplained. Take your dog to a veterinarian right away to determine if there is an injury or illness that needs treatment.

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