Is there no perfection? – Forgive God, others and ourselves

Forgiveness is the key to open the doors of understanding the reality of things. However, being perfectly lenient is more allusive, though almost impossible. If we think about it and look at the world, it seems that there is no perfection anywhere. We could also extend that understanding to the universe itself. The suns burn. The stars explode. The planets die.

If there is no perfection within us, then why should we forgive others, including ourselves and the creator as well? However, it is very important to forgive those who we believe have disappointed or offended us in some way. Therefore, it is important to practice forgiveness. Then we can have the opportunity to forgive ourselves for disappointing others as well.

This concept also applies to the Supreme, who strives or evolves to become perfect. God is in a perpetual state of forgiveness, as well as overcoming limitations, understanding and implementing changes, observing and adjusting.

So, the final forgiveness goes to God, who we can blame for allowing us to become vulnerable to attacks and many challenges of existence, such as physical or mental illness, problems with people, including those at work, friends and also within our family. Finally, the ravages of nature: extremes in climate and others. And so.

God’s IMPERFECTION is PERFECTION. If we accept this idea, then we are on the way to understanding. If we are not happy with this conclusion, it implies that we are still on the same page with God. Just like us, God wants peace, love and beauty in all things. However, we all create obstacles in the way of perfection. He converts then. a plan in perpetual motion, never complete, always aspirated.

If there is no perfection in the Universe, neither with That nor Who created me, then how can we have faith in such a God? Isn’t he/she better than us? Yes, better, for a small detail. God-dess is in a state of ongoing forgiveness, in every moment. In this state, there is no need for the term because forgiveness always remains a fact. So our only solution is to forgive God as well, thus helping the imperfect to become perfect, which it never will be. That is the mystery and a challenge also for us.

Let’s start again by forgiving ourselves, others and especially God because…

Perfection is an ideal.
hard earned
no one can deny it
never perfect though
It’s always better to try
To forgive ourselves, God too
And everyone else.

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