peace of mind

Peace of mind is the gift that God reserves for his special charges. Talent and Beauty, He gives to many. Wealth is commonplace, fame is not rare either. But “Peace of mind” – that is the final reward of his approval, the most fundamental sign of his love, He bestows charitably. Most men never get hurt; Others wait all their lives – yes, until very old age – for this gift to descend upon them.

I know that the sum of all other possessions does not necessarily add up to “Peace of Mind”, however, on the other hand, I have seen this inner tranquility flourish without the material support of Property or the buttress of Physical Health. Little by little I have learned that “peace of mind” can transform a country house into a spacious palace, the lack of it can turn a stately park into an imprisoning nutshell.

The search for this indefatigable inner peace is constant and universal. Analyze the prayers of troubled and dominated humanity of all faiths, in all ages, and their requests are reduced to the irreducible common denominators of daily bread and inner peace. When grown men raise their hearts and voices in this valley of tears, they ask for strength, courage and understanding!

Especially today, when the prayers of men ascend, lamenting and lamenting, to the Giver of gifts, they ask for an inner tranquility that is both strength and sanctuary and rightly so. Modern man is treading a narrow gorge that borders a hell of such destruction, as Dante could not imagine. Battered by psychic anxieties, torn by emotional conflicts, beset by financial insecurities, assailed by political doubts and cynicism, the plucked rooster, man is a peculiarly vulnerable bird as he struts down the road of civilization. He has sung a lot in his time, quite bravely in places. But now he begins to suspect that the axis of destiny is sharpening for his neck. He trembles, turns pale, calls for modern music, came stronger to drown out the specter of his approaching destiny. Well, the fact arises that contemporary man is afraid!!!!

In his fears he looks for saving devices and techniques. What you need is not a set of reassuring answers but an inner balance, a spiritual stability that is proof against confusion and disaster. “Peace Of Mind” is not to be identified with ivory tower escapism from the turmoil of life, nor is it “a negative conception of anesthesia”. Rather, it enables us to accept the blows of fate with equanimity, even with a kind of enthusiasm born of the sure knowledge that such blows cannot divert us from our creative life course.

Let me give you a simple (sorry, not very simple!) recipe for PEACE OF MIND.

Take 12 whole months.

Now cut each month into 28, 30, or 31 different parts, depending on the month and year being considered.

Clean, every beginning of the day, thoroughly of all hatred, bitterness and jealousy.

Make it as clean and fresh as possible.

Then mix well into each day equal parts kindness, faithfulness, hope, and generosity. Combine with a part meditation, prayer and most important of all, at least one noble act.

Season the whole with a dash of good humor, a dash of fun, a dash of playfulness, and a cup full of good cheer. For all this in a glass of love.

Bake thoroughly with radiant joy, garnish with a smile, and serve with selflessness, ease, and joy. And she remembers Health is the greatest possession! Satisfaction is the greatest treasure! Confidence is the best friend! Not being is the greatest joy! Therefore, always give a friendly hand, a word of love, a smile, to help the soul that is by your side to walk through each tired step. If you follow this recipe, will you always have a happy life?

So drop anger, drop pride and free yourself from worldly bondage. No pain can fall on those who never try to own people and things as their own.

Indeed, it is a great moment, if it ever comes, when we see, however distant, the ultimate goal of our wanderings. The mirage of our imagination suddenly becomes part of our tangible world. No matter how many mountain ranges, rivers or scorching dusty roads lie in between! It is ours now, forever. Whether we succeed or not is irrelevant. The mystery is solved and peace descends, true peace of mind.

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