Pet friendly hotels

If your travel companion has fur or walks on all fours instead of feet, you should probably find some pet-friendly hotels for your travels. Most hotels do not allow you to bring your four-legged friend for an overnight stay, so it is important to call any hotel you plan to stay at in advance to make sure they are not pets or people.

You can find pet-friendly hotels in almost any area and in almost any price range. Hotels that accept pets are usually like normal hotels. You can visit a bed and breakfast, or a spa; all with your cat or dog by your side. Since pet-friendly hotels are a rarity, they will often book a bit quicker than other similar hotels. For that reason, it is important to call ahead and reserve your room in advance if you know you will be traveling with your pet and need accommodation. In particular, if you’re traveling to a cat or dog show in a particular area, rooms will be booked exceptionally quickly at a pet-friendly hotel, so you’ll want to make sure you secure yours before they sell out.

In many pet-friendly hotels, the hotel will reserve certain hotel rooms specifically for use by pet owners. By reserving a room specifically for pet owners, they allow other hotel guests to spend their hotel stay in a room free from pet dander, as well as the hassle of meeting or hearing other people’s pets. For dogs, many pet friendly hotels sometimes have a special place for you to take your dog outside to relieve himself, occasionally the best pet friendly hotels will have some type of dog park or recreation area where your dog can get a chance to get some exercise and socialize with the other dogs that are also staying at the hotel.

Hotels that not only allow pets, but also those that have pets in mind with things like recreation areas and pet-friendly restaurants, are often some of the best to bring your pet. In these situations, your pet is often invited to do whatever you are at the hotel, and the hotel sometimes also offers additional activities for pets, such as a dog day camp that allows you to get out on the town and have fun. , while leaving your dog behind having fun too.

In most cases, be prepared to pay a little more to have your pet stay at the hotel with you. While pet-friendly hotels do allow pets, most require some kind of supplement for the privilege of having your pet stay with you in the same room. The supplement is usually not as expensive as having someone else with you, but it can be a bit expensive depending on the hotel you select.

Before traveling to any pet-friendly hotel, do your research. Talk to friends who also travel with their pets who have been to the area and visit a hotel that they especially liked. Your friends are often your best resource for locating the best places to visit. If you know that you are traveling to a certain place and you want to stay in a particular hotel, book your room as far in advance as possible. In most cases, the earlier you book your room, the less expensive it will be and the better your chances of getting the room and location you want. Booking your hotel room late or at the last minute could mean that all pet-friendly hotels are booked and you will have to leave your pet at home.

Copyright 2006 S Wander

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