Robotic Android Fencing Sparing Partners: The Technology Exists Today

Becoming a fencing champion takes years of practice, tournaments, and discipline, but what if I told you that it’s possible to speed up the process three times? Is this to say that someone in great shape and dedicated to becoming the best they can be in the sport of fencing could reach a championship level in 2-3 years instead of 6-10 years of dedicated practice? In fact, it might be possible. Let me explain.

There is a very interesting YouTube video going around titled; “Robot Lightsaber Duel”, showing two robots fighting with lightsabers for the crowd. Yes, robotics engineers often like to do fun things, but this technology indeed has great potential for the sport of fencing, and since this technology already exists, maybe it’s time to use this app to help train the best fencers in the world. The other day, I was considering all of this while preparing a paper on the Future of Sport, but this innovation, well, it’s not in the future, it’s happening right now.

This means that the US Olympic fencing team can train, warm up and prepare with robotic fencing machines. Last year, I was discussing the invention of a robotic boxing machine with the inventor in the Great State of Texas and he had already contacted several professional boxers and boxing gyms to help boxers hone their skills, and the boxers are doing very well. progress in increasing his abilities and talents using the device he had created.

While Japanese robotic engineers have created several toy versions of fencing robots for entertainment, it looks like they should be ready to take the next step. Yes, there have been many versions of mannequins, mannequins, and even semi-positionally moving human-shaped mannequins and stationary objects capable of helping simulate spare mates before, but nothing very notable or life-like. All of that is about to change as these new robotic fencing devices change the sport forever.

Practicing with an Android robotic fencing partner would allow non-stop practice, increase stamina, speed and help the fencer hone their tactics and skills. The robot could also have settings to increase speed at various levels, constantly pushing the fencer to their limits, making them more competitive, stronger, wiser, and able to take on the best of the best. In fact, it could take fencing to a whole new level, which is my reason for being so intrigued by the concept. Please consider all this and think about it.

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