Top advertising mistakes and how to avoid them Part 8 of 10: Unrealistic expectations

What we have uncovered in the first seven tips are some simple basic strategies that can give you a very powerful marketing effect and sales impact.

I know you worked very, very, very hard to get to this point. You have five, ten, twenty or thirty thousand dollars to spend. Maybe more, maybe less, but in round numbers you have a few dollars saved to help market your product or service. That is fantastic. I’m always excited to hear that because you can never give a media buyer, that’s me, enough money.

That being said, your buyers need to be very smart and efficient and be a responsible manager of your advertising resources. It doesn’t matter how big or small. But one thing I want to warn many advertisers about is the unrealistic expectation that your ad campaign will transform your business overnight. There have been some notable exceptions. In most, too many advertisers have delusions of grandeur that this new ad will suddenly trigger a flood of revenue overnight. It will go viral in 48 hours and we will be swimming in money.

Well, if that happens and yours is the one in a million opportunity where everyone puts their credit card down and suddenly you’re in the money, great! I am so excited and excited for you. That is a wonderful, wonderful result and you should celebrate it.

The harsh reality is that those moments, those in millions, are exactly that. The other nine hundred thousand nine hundred more continue to plow every day to capture the attention of their audience. To make sure they are delivering the message efficiently and effectively. While you’re hoping that will happen overnight, you need to temper that with the reality that yours is just one of maybe two hundred or maybe a thousand messages every consumer is exposed to every day. That’s either wildly over the top or terribly conservative depending on who you talk to.

There are a number of studies that have measured the number of ads we are exposed to on a daily basis in some way, shape or form. You will find a link at the bottom of this article that explores how many ads we see per day.

Audio, video, print, whatever format surrounds us, so we are constantly inundated. Respectfully dear advertiser, what makes you think your little ad is going to change the world?

Here’s a snippet for you to keep in mind. Over a hundred daily newspapers are still produced in Canada. Dozens more newspapers in ethnic languages. Plus many more of the free newspapers. There are a host of other periodicals specific to a particular field. The average newspaper, if we cut it all out, the total word and page content amounts to about three voluminous novels each day.

Did you prepare to read three novels? This gets SO thick, and in the middle of it, you hope yours is the ad that stands out.

I hope so. I really and truly hope that manifests for you. But when I’m up against all that other texting and messaging competition in one vehicle, I want to make sure I’m doing enough to keep my profile as prominent as possible.

I worked for slow construction because, no one, this is a personal aside, ladies and gentlemen. nobody but nobody has jumped out of bed saying …For God’s sake, where can I find a good means of communication?…that hasn’t happened. But regular, consistent marketing and advertising, and letting people know what I’m doing, has been very helpful to me in winning new business.

I want the same for you, so that you have a constant and constant trickle of messages. One that shows who you are, what you do, what your product or service is, and over time, you’ll build the confidence to do business with people who like to do business with you. He wants to earn your trust and confidence.

The reality, as I mentioned, says otherwise, despite your best efforts, yours may not be the one-in-a-million opportunity.

In a previous article I suggested creating a calendar and how to map the year.

Now let’s take another sheet of paper and this time write out in advance what you want your ad to do.

Is it to stimulate sales at this time?

Is it for people to sign up for a free report on the website?

Maybe you want to be called to schedule an appointment?

Is it to clip this coupon and save on the trial offer?

How are you going to measure? What is your metric or metrics if you are successful?

Right now, you have a zero knowledge, zero sales benchmark.

By spending $500 or $5,000 or $50,000 on your campaign, what do you hope to achieve? What is your metric of whether it worked well or not?

As I mentioned earlier, you want the ad to bring in at least what it costs. But you must clearly identify up front what you want or expect the end result to be.

IE: We spent fifty thousand dollars on this campaign, we want a minimum of seventy-five thousand dollars to come back.. Okay, that’s a good measure. You want to see a return of one and a half dollars for every dollar you spent. That is not unattainable. But you need to know what you’re trying to achieve so you can measure whether or not you’ve reached your goal.

And if you exceed that, and your fifty thousand dollars spent pays you back two hundred thousand dollars, congratulations, you’ve done something tremendously well. Well done. But he can’t meet his expectations if he doesn’t know what they are and sets them ahead of time.

So go into your campaign with a clear understanding and an open mind of what this sales message is trying to do.

When you know what you’re looking for, and not just strangely, oh let’s post an ad.. there is much more art and science behind it than just that. I want to see your spending done wisely, efficiently, and effectively. Regardless of how much you’re spending, remember that you’ll spend the same amount of money whether the campaign works or not.

So have a good time. And as always, I’ll be happy to help. Until next time, have a great day.

As promised: This is a source that is much more scientific in its approach to the ads we see every day.

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