What are the essential parts of a leader’s SYSTEM?

Why do such a small percentage of those who are elected, selected, and/or promoted to leadership positions actually become meaningful, real, and effective leaders? It takes a variety of well-developed and relevant skills, abilities, goals and priorities, combined with a positive can-do attitude, to maintain a consistent degree of demanding genuine excellence and the stamina to make a difference, for the better! With these prerequisites, it becomes possible to perceive and conceive, create and develop/institute, the type of SYSTEM, that optimizes the possibilities of making these needs a reality! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. Service; fountain; strongest / strengths: It behooves a true leader to provide the best service and representation to his group and stakeholders! True leaders become the source to make their organization stronger and must use their strengths effectively to achieve maximum results!

2. You!: If you hope to make some kind of significant change, for the better, you can’t pass the ball, but you must be ready, willing and able to take personal responsibility! In other words, it’s always up to you!

3. solutions; sustainable: Empty promises, rhetoric and well thought out ideas, lacking in pragmatism, do not work! Rather, a great leader must introduce meaningful and workable solutions, based on much more than merely populism, or simply relevant today, but he must also focus on the future and the ramifications of everything he does. , in a truly sustainable way!

Four. Prompt; time tested; trends; trust: Even the best ideas will be ineffective unless you earn the trust of those you serve and represent, not by your rhetoric, but by your actions and your utter integrity! It is essential to avoid procrastination, but rather to proceed in a timely and well-considered manner! Fully Wise Leaders: Understand and learn essential lessons from the past to gain experience, expertise, and hopefully judgment and wisdom, so that they can take advantage of time-tested approaches and concepts, etc.

5. Empathy; efforts; Excellence; endurance; energy/ energize: You will only understand what your constituents want, prioritize and perceive if you listen and learn effectively from every conversation and experience, and consistently proceed with the highest degree of genuine empathy and put your efforts in that direction! Good enough is unacceptable, but rather, a great leader should demand the highest degree of personal excellence from him. Since there are usually obstacles in one’s way, significant resistance is needed, and it takes, and understanding, only the highest degree of personal energy, will energize the group, to become the best they can be! to be!

6. brand brand; motivates; significant; to mention; I’m serious: Instead of empty platitudes and rhetoric, one should mean what they say and try to make their mark – for the better! To motivate others, you need to come up with meaningful ideas and realize that the best way to attract a following is to mention each and every one you do for the greater good!

If you hope to lead effectively, focus on creating the best possible SYSTEM! Will you have what it takes to pull this off?

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