Month: August 2021

12 steps to divorcing a drug addict

1. Put your trust in your God. The Universe is controlled by a divine power. Trust in the power of prayer and listen to the answers. Throughout my marriage, I prayed for the strength to get through very difficult times. Not being an addict, I cannot understand putting a chemical in my body and keeping […]

What is a silly labrador retriever?

Although many people think that all Labrador Retrievers are similar, the truth is that we are like people! We can develop with different colors, facial features, and bone structure. These traits can be the result of selective breeding, as many Labradors are selectively bred for use as show dogs (requiring certain appearance characteristics). Appearance characteristics […]

Hear from your essential silent partner

Your Essential Silent Companion (ESP) refers to the quantum realm of reality. It is the infinite field of energy that includes and goes beyond the limits of physical existence. In the quantum dimension, there are no limitations or boundaries to what is possible. At this level of reality, you have unrestricted access to whatever resources […]

Installing a cell extender

There are many names for an indoor cell extender. It is commonly referred to as a Cell Booster, but it is actually a fully functional low power cell phone repeater. The industry refers to it as a mini, pico or SOHO repeater or cell extender. There are types of indoor and outdoor. There are different […]

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